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The russians make their stand in Grain Elevator, many germans died but they were... too many...
Review Showcase
This is one of my favorite RPG's of all time. The gameplay is quite linear but it seems more open world by providing several explorable districts and plenty of side quests. I like the stat system which reminds me of the tabletop RPG of Vampires. Characters are well designed even for today's standards, all in all a fantastic RPG which is still lacking a worthy successor. Be warned though that towards the ending it seems like the game is getting stretched by throwing dozens and dozens of mindless enemies in meaningless buildings at you. Playing with the latest community patch is highly advised, bugfixes and more content was added into the game.

One last advice for beginners: I would not recommend playing a malkavian in your first playthrough, they are literally insane and without past experiences of lore and their behavior, a lot of their "interactions" could be misinterpret.
Workshop Showcase
Civilization focuses on adding 223 new sound effects to cities, villages, farms and remote locations where civilization is present. In cities, you can hear the sound of a hammer being used by a villager repairing something, children playing, dogs barking o
Created by - Cliffworms
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banjo # 16 Feb, 2021 @ 11:09am 
2005 games // 1516 DLCs
banjo # 26 Nov, 2020 @ 2:43pm 
1950 games // 1491 DLCs
Mendrael 17 Jul, 2013 @ 8:09am 
Geht so :P
₪Knife_Party₪ eyyy ANNIKA. 17 Jul, 2013 @ 7:51am 
Alter hast du viele spiele
banjo # 29 Jun, 2013 @ 5:46am 
jetzt stehen da nur noch 279 Spiele dran... was isch da los ? :D
tox 28 Jun, 2013 @ 11:20am 
656 spiele...