Trade link
Trading/Buying/Brokering TF2 & CS with keys/cash
Currently Offline
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
Make Sure You Are Not Trading With an Impersonator
Scammers are impersonating me, with the intention of tricking you into handing them your items. They have the same name, profile picture, steam level, and a similar profile layout to mine.

This is the only account I use for trades/discussions. Even if you're 100% sure you are trading me, go through these verification steps below one more time.

5,000+ hours in Counter Strike 2
500+ Profile comments.
Lvl 50 Steam profile. Always public NEVER private.
Item inventory always public NEVER private.
500+ Trades
400+ Market Transactions.

Also, if you don't already know, i'm buying entire TF2/CS2 backpacks/inventories, or individual quicksell items. Paying TF2 keys for them.

If you're here with concerns related to the bots that I run, here are some information that may answer your questions:
I do not offer trade backs. However, if you have made an error when trading with my bot (e.g. accidentally paid more or sold for less than my listing), I am more than happy to refund you the difference. Please send me a trade offer with a note , or comment below on my profile and add me. If I have pure, feel free to put it in the trade offer. If I do not have any pure, let me know in the note /comment and I'll withdraw the pure from elsewhere to refund back to you.

Mobile Authenticator is activated
I am not willing to trade with you if you have the following:
Trade Holds
SR Mark or bp.tf/outpost scam related bans

Trading Sites
SteamRep - https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198930725248
Backpack.tf - https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198930725248
Trade Offer - https://steamproxy.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=1200896582&token=sVD7lII2

| steamname: lopurda
| steam3ID: [U:1:970459520]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:600448291
| steamID64: https://steamproxy.com/profiles/76561198930725248
| customURL: https://steamproxy.com/id/lopurda
| steamrep: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198930725248

SAJ | ✔Enko✔[sajunited.net] 24 Nov, 2024 @ 4:32am 
nov IP:
Saj UNITED Mirage IP: cs2.sajunited.net
connect cs2.sajunited.net
SAJ | ✔Enko✔[sajunited.net] 16 Nov, 2024 @ 7:17am 
➥ connect Join Here 👈
76561199542597388 24 Sep, 2024 @ 12:43am 
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🔥🔥🔥 This dude is fire 🔥🔥🔥
❗️💯 Let’s be friends for future games 💯❗️

💎💎 Have a wonderful experience during each match💎💎
⚜️⚜️ Stay safe & take care⚜️⚜️

🤤🤤🤤The profile is awesome🤤🤤🤤

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adrian ❤ 6 Sep, 2024 @ 9:33pm 
sorry ! keeping the gatsby, offer is too low :)
Caponicus 3 Sep, 2024 @ 8:03am 
Definite no to the trade offer bub.

Also, all 520 achievements in TF2 with only 402 hours playtime? I smell a SAM abuser ._.
Kanin Dork 3 Sep, 2024 @ 6:17am 
Sorry my friend, I dont plan to sell the Gatsby at this time. Thank you for the offer and interest though.