LEELOO   Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
HEY GAMERS OUT THERE THAT KNOW ME OR HAVE PLAYED AGAINST ME OR IN A TEAM WITH ME... I HAD TO TAKE TIME OFF COMPETITIVE GAMING BECAUSE I WAS DIAGNOSED WITH A BRAIN TUMOR, FORTUNATELY FOR ME IT WAS A BENIGN TUMOR :) BUT I HAD TO HAVE IT OPERATED ON DUE TO HOW BIG IT WAS(abit bigger than the size of a golf ball), I had my 1st operation on 27th May 2010, due to that I lost all my hearing in my left ear so yes now i am 100% deaf in that ear. I had a follow up MRI scan to see how much they got was ♥♥♥♥ all. So I changed doctors, moved to a bigger city and had my 2nd operation on the 22nd July 2011. Due to the 2nd operation I had way more success, the MRI scan showed only 13.4mm left of the tumor. But that op left me with double vision so I had to wear an eye patch and change it over to the other eye each day. I fully recovered in November 2011. But then the thing became a fast growing tumor. So I had to have a 3rd operation (November 2012). Basically it grows fast and into the danger zone once a year. So they tried SRT (Stereotactic Radiation Therapy) on me. I went through the radiotherapy from February 2014 - April 2014. Unfortunately the radiotherapy did not work and so I had to have ANOTHER operation in JULY 2014. Now waiting for what happens next....after 4 operations, knowing this will be with me forever, I cannot get back into super competitive gaming anymore. If you wish to see what I've been up to over the past years, I have a page:

So....because of these issues, I no longer play competitive gaming, i'm retired :( BUT ! I miiight come back and join 'TOG' (The Older Gamers) one day.... :c]

You will probably see my name in the occasional public server TRYING to kill things lol.
Thank you to all of you who have given me support over the years with this unlucky thing that has happened.

I used to mainly play under these alias's/tags:
LiLu or 007337 - in TF2
PuNCH. OR 007337 - in DOD:source
``LiLu OR 007337 - in css
gLyPz - in Quake III Arena
LiLu - in DOTA

Past clans/teams in 'TeamFortress2':
['-'] FASE
[q.S] 'Quake School'
<AvA> 'Australian Vengence Alliance'
.c7 'code7'
_uA 'Unreal Aussies'
-ƒtp| 'For the Pipes' - This team was the team i had the most fun playing in <3 you all !

Past clans/teams in Day of Defeat:source
-|Z0r|- January 2006-May 2006 (we were around when there was no GA ladder for dod:s)
.:3U:. '3rd Unit' - GA Season I
[єی] 'EmissaryofSadism' - *3rd in GA Season II.
UI· 'United Intent' - GA Season III
just. 'Just Girlz' (the ALL female team) - GA Season IV
veteraη| - #5 in GA Season

Competitive Level Stuff:

Leader of [єی] in DOD:source.
[єی] reached # 3rd in GA Ladder Finals.- Season ll.
Co-Leader & core Soldier for -|Z0r|- in TF2.
-|Z0r|- Reached # 9 in GA S1 TF2.
-|Z0r|- Reached # 7 in GA S2 TF2.
Core Scout for [q.S] in TF2
- [q.S] Reached # 5 in GA Season II.
Core Scout/Engineer for <AvA> in Ozfortress - ozfl.
Core Demoman for _uA. in Ozfortress - owL.
Core Medic for -ƒtp| in Ozfortress-owl:se and cgo.
Currently Offline
mal 18 Jun, 2016 @ 9:46pm 
call me x
Junotunes - Tinksminx - Djimba L 19 Oct, 2014 @ 7:48pm 
LiLu 24 Jan, 2014 @ 7:48am 
heeeey ^.^
Junotunes - Tinksminx - Djimba L 7 Apr, 2012 @ 8:34pm 
ozfortress Brodogs :3 17 Oct, 2010 @ 4:31am 
hey :3 missed you