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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2,225.6 hrs on record (1,031.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 21 Sep, 2017 @ 7:14pm
Updated: 21 Sep, 2017 @ 7:55pm

This, aswell as the other FO titles, is one of my most played games.
I love the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series. I love their environments, the stories, the NPC's etc etc

But, the best thing about Bethesda games?
It alters and adds stuff to the game, increasing it's playability and lifespan.

However, it seems that will be a thing of the past soon, and let me explain...

Mods, most but not all, REQUIRE F4SE (Fallout 4 Script Extender) to allow them to coexist and utilize extra features.
Now, when Fallout 4 gets updated, you need to update F4SE.

Now they are not only charging you for inferior versions of already existing FREE mods, but whenever they add a new "Pip-Boy Reskin" in every colour under the rainbow, they'll change the games version number ( to and with that F4SE NEEDS to be updated.....

F4SE updates can take from Minutes/Hours to up to a week to be released....

So, if Bethesda decide Tuesday requires a "Purple Pip-Boy Recolour" and that they'll release the eagerly anticipated "Fuschia Pip-Boy Skin" on Thursday (Just what I wanted for £3), that's 2 days of F4SE patching wasted....

Let's not forget that ~90% of people use "The UNNOFFICIAL Fallout 4 BugFix Mod" to fix serious issues within the base game.

Because Bethesda is too busy stealing mod ideas to put in their Workshop DLC's, and creating "Content" for their £$Creation Club$£, to actually attempt to fix issues in their game that have been there since Day 1.....

This is an issue that will affect ANY Bethesda game using a "Script Extender" for it's compatibility and stability with mods.

So, whilst I sit here, waiting for F4SE to get updated I'd just like to say Thanks to Bethesda, My life was incomplete before you added a Half-Assed cash grab for watered down free mods...

Thanks alot.....
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The 'Lucky Shot' King 23 Sep, 2017 @ 2:23pm 
Still no F4SE update, glad I took CyberWolfMk3's advice

Cheers Greeedthesda
CyberWolfMk3 22 Sep, 2017 @ 5:41pm 
Alternatively make a backup of fallout4.exe and when it updates replace the new .exe with a copy of the old one. it shouldn't undo itself until next update. its what I do (at least until the next release of f4se)
The 'Lucky Shot' King 22 Sep, 2017 @ 5:02pm 
My plans for keeping FO4 playable through this Greedthesda Sh*t-Show:

Step 1: Disable Steam Launch at Startup
Step 2: Install Fallout 4 to 128Gb USB3 Stick
Step 3: Disable Internet
Step 4: Launch Fallout 4
Step 5: Profit

If you don't want Fallout 4 to update with more CC Aids and want to keep F4SE working....Unplug USB whilst playing online, Plug back in when Internet disabled>Launch Game>Enable Internet = 0 Updates

Just remember to disable internet before quitting the game just to be safe, then remove USB
The 'Lucky Shot' King 22 Sep, 2017 @ 4:45pm 
Still waiting on a F4SE Update.....
NotSureFry 21 Sep, 2017 @ 7:34pm 
You should change that thumb up to a thumb down. ;)