Elisha   Ontario, Canada
Name: Elli
Age: 18
Birthdate: July 13th, 1995
Status: TAKEN<3
Fav food: Chinese Food !@#$ (mouthgasms<3)
Fav beverage: Water...
Fav T.V show: The Walking Dead or Adventure Time (also watches criminal shows)
Pets: Guinea pig named Bacon, and a bird named Cloud



I’m shy at first but once you get me going and know me well it’s hard to let me go. Friends say that I have a unique style and that I’m an amazing friend. I am a girl gamer, shocking?Yes, I’m a girl gamer. I’m into comic books and super heroes. I love The Big Bang Theory and have an addiction to reading. I think D&D & Lord of the Rings is fricking awesome. Plus I’m still into Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh at the age of 17. So sue me?.. I enjoy murderizing zombies! And I play Magic The gathering tcg as a green/white deck!

I’m crazy about foreign countries! ..England…Japan..China..France…Spain.. get it? I hope some day to travel the world. I am currently learning new languages but I speak English and enough Spanish and Japanese. I’m really into anime and manga. Full Metal Alchemist, and Soul Eater are my favorite animes. I am also into american comic books lol. I’m what you could call a complete nerd. I love listening to music. Pretty much listen to anything whatsoever! Also Enjoy Roleplaying, I roleplay
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Kyreiz 16 Feb, 2013 @ 4:41am 
hai :3
𝓞𝓼𝓪𝓶𝓪 4 Feb, 2013 @ 11:33am 
Oh hai there :d
Kyreiz 6 Jan, 2013 @ 7:35pm 
must celebrate!
Shadowy Luke 6 Jan, 2013 @ 5:30pm 
Comment virginity now taken. :3