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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 666.1 hrs on record (151.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 18 Sep, 2019 @ 1:56am

i've played smite from just about the very beginning, on steam and before.
if you were going to pick up playing SMITE, you should've done so about 3 years ago.
recently, the players have gotten the point of this game confused with Call of Duty.
so instead of teamwork, you get most of your lobbies full of kill hungry people, only out to get their K/D up.
that does NOT matter in this game. this is, and always has been, a team oriented, strategy based, objective game.
you will play a WHOLE lot of games with lobbies full of people, that will flat out REFUSE to hit the towers, phoenix, or the titan. and that's HOW YOU WIN THE GAME.
So basically, you get in expecting to try to win a game, and find that you have no chance of winning, because the teams refuse to do what is required by the game, to actually win.
Hi-Rez has got to do something about it's community, it has gone to hell.
but of course, getting hi-rez to answer to an issue and actually SOLVE it, is next to impossible.
they want to give more content, but they wont handle what is wrong with their game currently.
i miss Bart and Kelly. the community was AMAZING in their days.
bring back sportsmanship...say GG at the end of a match.
stop saying someone sucks because they dont have a high k/d. they dont matter.
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