Kazuna Bolveurk
Something Important   United States Minor Outlying
Just your average professional ass kicker. Up for anything longs as its fun.

Gamertag: Kusanagi Mu12
Battlefield 3 Soilder: Kazunakai
World of Warcraft: Bolveruk and Izaiya on Cenaris (No Longer playing)
League of Legends: Kazuna Bolveruk

LiveStream (Let's Play Things Channel) [www.livestream.com]
Tumblr [kazunamu12.tumblr.com]
Zurzeit online
ubecrinkles 28. Nov. 2021 um 21:53 
hi!! not sure if you still remember me,,, (i used to be @casuteria on twitter) and just wanted to reach out that i hope u're doing fine and well!!