† Sex Machine †
don't you dare go hollow

:hunted: :huntbounty:
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† Sex Machine † 14 Dec @ 2:44pm 
I ain't the one crying on other's people profiles because I lost a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ match, imbecile
Orlando Boon 14 Dec @ 2:33pm 
ooooh boi back to middle school, grow up son ahaha
† Sex Machine † 14 Dec @ 2:12pm 
@LukeScream You are a sore loser, you should participate in some sexual activities ASAP, just like I did with female members of your family last night. Your girl is on the menu tonight. Gonna eat that booty like a monster.
Orlando Boon 14 Dec @ 1:47pm 
it was a 2v2 but ok, considering our third was so far he was a pixel on my screen, u're just a slave of expensive guns cause aiming is optional, i dont need to get good ahaha
† Sex Machine † 14 Dec @ 1:44pm 
@LukeScream Dude, It was 3 of you vs me alone, and I was at 50hp. I obliterated you. Git gud scrub, and learn how to take loss.
Orlando Boon 14 Dec @ 1:16pm 
cain dolch sparks sniper, can you be more pathetic?