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81.6 hrs on record (11.4 hrs at review time)
One of the bests iterations of the whole franchise.
Still just 10 hours in but everything I've seen is amazing.

Running smoothly in ultra at 1080p with average of 120+ fps. Ryzen 7 9800X3D / 4070 12GB / 32GB RAM.
Also a friend of mine is running smoothly also in ultra with 100 fps on average with Ryzen 7 5700G / RADEON 6800 XT 16GB / 32GB RAM.

Ran with average 45 fps with low graphics in 1660 6GB / Ryzen 5 1400 / 16GB RAM but visuals were horrible XD

But to be honest, the game is poorly optimised for higher resolutions (1440p+) and other players were reporting crashes with strange resolutions (wide screens etc.).
Posted 28 February.
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407.1 hrs on record (315.0 hrs at review time)
Kenshi is a beautiful post-post apocalyptic game.
You're not the hero, nor the villain. The true sandbox experience where you can do (almost) whatever you want.

From building a thriving community city and trade with other factions, do bounty hunting, or even drug trafficking.

But beware, it is a hard and harsh game and can be frustrating from the start. But once you get the right mood (check some youtube series if you want) you'll for sure enjoy the game.

Is not bug-free though, so Mods are a "must" if you want your experience to be as smoother as possible.
So why not giving a chance to a game made by just ONE person?
Also, if you're spanish-speaker, check JUJALAG's youtube series. Thank me later.
Posted 21 November, 2024. Last edited 9 December, 2024.
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401.8 hrs on record (35.9 hrs at review time)
La última entrega de la franquicia a fecha de esta reseña.
Se nota que es un port de Nintendo Switch pero tiene todo lo que podríamos esperar de un Monster Hunter. Si pretendes completarlo al 100%, prepárate para aproximadamente 600 horas de contenido.

Gráficamente es bonito, no un portento pero sí hermoso, como siempre. Incluso aquellos píxeles gigantes de los MH de PSP eran preciosos a su manera. Los monstruos de esta entrega (salvo el 70% de Rise porque la pandemia les hizo reciclar medio World) son geniales, y viene el increíble ESPINAS de Frontier. Inédito en la franquicia principal, así como algunas caras que no veíamos desde hacía mucho, como Ludroth Real desde 3a generación o Chameleos que ya llevaba tiempo sin aparecer.

La jugabilidad es sin lugar a dudas la mejor de la saga. Simplemente porque es el último, el salto generacional que pegamos con World respecto a GenU, el último de 4ta generación fue una burrada y este no se queda atrás. El mapeado se hace pequeño debido a la altísima movilidad que tenemos con el compañero Canyne (el perrete) y los bichos para hacer parkour aéreo.

Además, la progresión es adecuada, separar la aldea y el "hub" online como en anteriores entregas elimina cualquier problema a la hora de interactuar con otros jugadores más allá de que no hayas llegado aún al rango de cazador necesario para apuntarte a una misión. Nada grave.

No he llegado a la expansión pero dicen que es la mejor historia de la franqucia, y eso que Iceborne fue bastante bueno. Eso sí, la historia de Rise es una mierda.

Los diseños de todo están más que bien, la ausencia de un herrero Wyveriano competente en el nuevo mundo hizo que las armas de World / Iceborne fueran bastante "meh" y aquí volvemos a la calidad que la tecnología perdida Wyveriana nos tiene acostumbrados. Hay muchas armas que son simplemente una belleza y la posibilidad de usarlas como superpuestas (Como ocurría en Iceborne al final del juego) da mucho más juego a la hora de jugar a Fashion Hunter.

Jugablemente, el daño elemental ha sido balanceado mucho mejor que en la anterior entrega, y ahora básicamente todo es mucho más viable que antes, siendo que en World / Iceborne el META era dominado por el daño físico (RAW) y hasta hubo quejas cuando hubo que enfrentarse a Alatreon porque te "obligasen" a usar elemental.

Y poca cosa más que añadir, le he metido casi 900 horas a MH World y éste irá por el mismo camino, pero me encuentro en los últimos compases de completar World / Iceborne al 100% y no le dedico tanto tiempo como me gustaría a Rise / Sunbreak.
Quizás un poco caro por 60 castañas, pero si se pilla de oferta, más de 600 horas para completarlo al 100% está más que amortizado. Incluso por 60 eurazos, sale a 10 céntimos la hora. A mi me compensa.
Posted 28 December, 2023.
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61.0 hrs on record (40.8 hrs at review time)
Ya era hora, joder.
Posted 27 December, 2022.
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280.6 hrs on record (16.3 hrs at review time)
Let's be honest.
Is it worth in 2022? Absolutely YES.

The catastrophic launch is in the past now. Nowadays the game is completely full of content, good improvements, half of the optimization done and improving each day. With like 4-8 weeks between updates.

Now the game offers all the stuff they promised in that E3 trailer in 2016. And let's analyze it a little bit.

Now planets are full of curios and life, materials are more consistent and you're capable of making enourmous farms to get the resources you need.
The multiplayer is fully functional and you can do a lot of stuff with your friends or people online.
There's a fully functioning piracy system, pirate systems (last update OUTLAWS), derelict frighters, a space-traveling base (your freighter), like 6 or 7 ship types, lots of quests and things to discover, and a fully customisable base building system.

Is a game to sink thousand hours in, I've played it quite a bit (like 80-150h) with steam sharing on a friend's account and that convinced me to buy the game.
Now you have temporal (5-6 weeks) EXPEDITIONS, with milestones and achievements to get rewards and cosmetics. Daily quests. A Hub (The Anomaly) and a clustef*ck of mechanics to learn.

Check guides on YouTube if you get lost. 100% recommended.
Posted 30 May, 2022.
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270.9 hrs on record (20.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Ok, so there's another ARPG out there isn't it? Let's talk a bit about what differences LE from others.

First of all, graphically is all you can expect. I mean, Diablo 3 is not top notch graphics but still quite good looking. This is the same. But we don't play ARPGs because their 4k ultra HD photorrealistic graphics, right?

Now the sauce. Mechanically is pretty straightforward. You have a bunch of skills to choose and compose your build's shortcuts. Town portal, potions, etc. I haven't seen any good fancy mechanics beside of dodging enemy's AoE.
The zones are good and the variety is very good. That's the point on everything in this game: Variety.
It's about time-travel so you'll be visiting some Eterra's Eras and see the progression in main cities until everything is devoured by the Void.

Another good point is you have 3(4 when released) classes with a passive tree each. Is a mixture of Grim Dawn's and Diablo 2. But you don't need to put points on the "bar" to unlock the passives, just on the passives. First the initial class, lets say "Acolyte" have some generic passives to improve your character, and when you reach some point on the story you can choose between the 3 above mentioned classes. Continuing with our example, Acolyte can be Necromancer (focused on minions) Lich (focused on damage) and Warlock (TBHIDK) but you can put points on every other class, BUT you'll have some nice bonuses by choosing, for example Necromancer gives you +1 counter for minions and some damage for them, nice and fancy.

And my honest opinion is the game IS expensive. I'm sorry but I bought Grim Dawn for 13 bucks and they made lots of sales, so 30€ is quite expensive... BUT it is an ARPG. The main campaing will give you like 20 hours or so at the moment of this review, and its planned to have 3 more acts on release. Also the Endgame is about doing Rifts like Diablo 3, with a competitive ladder in more difficult rifts with special rewards and at the moment they introduced the first endgame dungeon.
That means the game can be "completed" in about 30 hours and I'm pretty sure you guys paid 60€ for a 20h long game... We will see if everything goes well with the development of the game, but is pointing on the right direction.

So 30€ for a 30h "completion" with only 1 class out of 5 with 3 specs each... But the possibility of an infinite amount of fun. Nice isn't it?

EDIT: The Monolith of Fate, this rift-like thing is WAY longer than I expected so maybe it can last for "completion" with a single character for even more than 40h.

EDIT2: Now there are more endgame dungeons and the systems are being polished even more. Still need Multiplayer and more variety of items and available builds. There's some class spesialization missing tho.
Posted 17 January, 2022. Last edited 24 March, 2022.
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852.7 hrs on record (134.2 hrs at review time)
Ok, let's avoid Lobby Simulator and focus on the actual game.

If you came here looking for the "new WoW-Killer experience" GTFO. Sorry.
If you're going to complain for hours you can't pay for a "3-headed demon burning extreme akashic ultramegamagical mana-infused horse" GTFO. Sorry again.

Now the SAUCE.
-Graphically is SUPERB. Just freaking superb. Unless you have some malfunctioning high-end graphic card, then you're screwed up. And its surprisingly good optimized for what I expected. With my crappy 1660 I can run the game on High settings and have at least 30 stable FPS on crowded cities. Just like Play Station 4.
-The OST is not memorable but Ok. Composed by the same guy of Game of Thrones. Except the main theme what other themes from the series you remember...? Exactly.
-Gameplay is surprisingly challenging... Unless you're part of a group or social player, then is stupidly easy. Much like Guild Wars 2 world bosses but having to pay attention to the actual boss and evade so you don't get banged by 20 lvl 40 elite zombies. It's quite simple but at least IMO is not repetitive. DON'T memorize long rotations. DON'T go to university to learn how to play your FFXIV favourite dragoon class. DON'T blame the healer because you just spammed "fireball" and got all the Aggro: NOW BLAME THE TANK.

Aditional notes is you can play the game fully PvE or fully PvP with no downsides just minor content lack. Don't want to PvP? Ok. You'll miss Wars and Outpost Raids. Don't want to PvE? Ok. You'll miss endless grinding for materials and (ATM) 6 dungeons. But dungeons are interesting, fresh, and give you some good equipment. Why would you ignore dungeons?

Overall is a pretty solid game, if you liked Albion Online you'll probably like this more relaxed experience. Without the 20-man Russian gank party stealing all your hard-farmed stuff you spent 5 hours chopping trees.
And now we need to wait and see how the little and indie company "Amazon Games" improve and make the game to grow further.
Posted 10 October, 2021.
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289.1 hrs on record (256.6 hrs at review time)
La secuela del exitoso juego de batallas fantásticas. El único problema que le veo es el precio, que después de varios años se ha vuelto increíblemente caro, aun así, en las ofertas puedes conseguir el juego y el anterior por 60-70€ (de los casi 200 que valdría normal, sin incluir el primero) por lo que es una compra bastante rentable.

Respecto al juego, 4 facciones iniciales, varias facciones nuevas con respecto al anterior, un rework a varias de las facciones, y Imperios Mortales, la campaña para un jugador de Total War: Warhammer si posees el primer juego, con todas las facciones que poseas como DLC. Además del multijugador, batallas especiales, y en definitiva, muchísimo contenido.

A fecha de esta reseña llevo 256 horas, y apenas he completado 5 campañas que de media me llevan unos 200 turnos. Una buena cantidad de unidades que ni siquiera he tocado, señores legendarios que no he visto en mi vida, y facciones con las que no he jugado nunca.

Aunque sea muy caro sin ofertas, es un juego al que le puedes meter muchísimas horas, si te gusta la estrategia, si te gustó el primero, o si te gusta la franquicia Warhammer, te gustará.
Posted 5 February, 2021.
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324.4 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
Just one of the best JRPGs out there, with a superb OST, extremely well-constructed characters and a more than correct story, even with some plottwists and secrets waiting to be discovered.
Also, its the "full version" exclusive from PSVita, fixing all the problems the PS2 original has, and a good bunch of extra content. Mixing story, school-life simulation, relationships and character construction with a good and solid turn-based combat on dungeon crawling. What a weird mix of genres isn't it?

Regarding the PC version, its pretty good, but controls just suck (more or less like Souls saga) so I'd recommend playing with a controller just for comfort.
I've not experienced any of the said bugs and the only downside (DENUVO) don't caused me problems at all.
Again, this is MY experience during the first 10 hours of gameplay or so. I beated this game on PS2 and PC Emulator a bunch of times with Persona 3 but never owned a PSVita so if you're like me its a very good opportunity to give a chance to this fantastic title.

It's just a steal, 20 bucks for a game of 150+ hours (just to complete it 100%) requiring you to make at least 2 runs to achieve that 100% trophy. Also if you want to see all the cutscenes for all the characters and romances you'd need like 8 runs or so hahahaha.

Regarding the "online features" I really don't experiment with them at all, but it seems you can be helped by online folks and help them too. The only online feature I've tried its the "Voice" showing you the most popular actions took for that day, acting like some kind of mini-guide, but IMO its pretty useless because there's some good walkthroughs on the internet (8 years old though hahaha). You can deactivate it via options anyway.

Overall its a pretty good game, probably better than the stuff you paid 50-70€ for, and I'm willing to see Persona 3 FES and Persona 5 Royal on PC some day, they're all good games for any JRPG-lover.
Posted 30 June, 2020.
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