gibby <3
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The Entire Script to Starwars Episode III Revenge Of The Sith
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

A vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the Main Title, followed by a rollup, which crawls into infinity.

War! The Republic is crumbling under attacks by the ruthless Sith Lord, Count Dooku. There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere.

In a stunning move, the fiendish droid leader, General Grievous, has swept into the Republic capital and kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, leader of the Galactic Senate.

As the Separatist Droid Army attempts to flee the besieged capital with their valuable hostage, two Jedi Knights lead a desperate mission to rescue the captive Chancellor. . . .

PAN DOWN to reveal a REPUBLIC ATTACK CRUISER. Continue to PAN with the Cruiser as TWO JEDI STARFIGHTERS enter and head toward an enemy Battle Cruiser. TRUCK with the Jedi Fighters as they maneuver in unison, dodging flack and enemy laser fire. R2-D2 is on Anakin's ship. R4-P17 is on Obi-Wan's ship. A giant space battle is revealed as the tiny Jedi ships continue their assault in a synchronous ballet.


OBI-WAN bounces through the flack with a frown. His ship rocks violently.



ANAKIN: There isn't a droid made that can out fly you, Master, and no other way to get to the Chancellor . . .

OBI-WAN: Look out, four droids inbound . . .


The TWO JEDI FIGHTERS swerve in unison as FOUR TRADE FEDERATION DROID DROP FIGHTERS attack. After several clever moves by the Jedi, two of the FEDERATION DROID DROP FIGHTERS collide with each other in a ball of flame.


OBI-WAN struggles to maintain control of his ship.

OBI-WAN: We've got to split them up.

ANAKIN: Break left, fly through the guns on that tower.

OBI-WAN flies to the left of a huge tower on a REPUBLIC CRUISER. The TWO DROID DROP FIGHTERS follow.

OBI-WAN: Easy for you to say . . . why am I always the bait?

ANAKIN: Don't worry. I'm coming around behind you.

OBI-WAN deftly maneuvers around a large Starship's superstructure, but the TWO DROID FIGHTERS stay on his tail, BLASTING him with intense laser fire.

OBI-WAN: Anakin, they're all over me!

ANAKIN: Dead ahead! Closing . . . lock onto him, Artoo . . .

ARTOO BEEPS his reply as ANAKIN swoops in for the kill. ANAKIN BLASTS one of the DROID DROP FIGHTERS. It EXPLODES.

ANAKIN: (continuing, laughs) We got him, Artoo!

ANAKIN BLASTS away at the second DROID DROP FIGHTER as ARTOO BEEPS an angry warning.

ANAKIN: I copy, Artoo.

OBI-WAN: I'm going down on the deck.

ANAKIN: Good idea ... I need some room to maneuver.

OBI-WAN dives toward the surface of one of the larger TRADE FEDERATION BATTLESHIPS and is forced to fly through a maelstrom of laser flack. He skims the surface, followed by the DROID DROP FIGHTER, which is followed by ANAKIN.

ANAKIN: (continuing) Cut right. Do you hear me?! Cut right. Don't let him get a handle on you. Come on, Artoo, lock on! Lock on!

ARTOO BEEPS. The crosshairs merge on the DROID DROP FIGHTER.

OBI-WAN: Hurry up! I don't like this!

OBI-WAN flies through a narrow gap between two towers on a Battleship. The DROID DROP FIGHTER hits one of Obi-Wan's wings with a laser blast, and parts of the ship go flying around Obi-Wan's Astro Droid, ARFOUR.

OBI-WAN: (continuing) Ouch!

R-4 BEEPS a blue streak.

OBI-WAN: (continuing) Don't even try to fix it, Arfour. I've shut it down.

ANAKIN: We're locked on ... we've got him . . .

ANAKIN drops in behind the DROID DROP FIGHTER and blows him apart. ARTOO SQUEALS with delight.

ANAKIN: (continuing) Yeah! We got him . . . good going, Artoo.

OBI-WAN: Next time you're the bait . . . Now let's find the Command Ship and get on with it ...

R-4 BEEPS a blue streak.

ANAKIN: Lock onto them, Artoo. Master, General Grievous's ship is directly ahead.

ARTOO BEEPS a reply, and it reads out in Anakin's cockpit.

ANAKIN: (continuing) The one crawling with vulture droids.


OBI-WAN: I see it. Oh, this is going to be easy.

Ahead is a TRADE FEDERATION CRUISER with batlike DROID VULTURE FIGHTERS stalking around on the hull. The VULTURE FIGHTERS transform into flight configuration, lift off the CRUISER, and attack the JEDI STARFIGHTERS.

ANAKIN: Come on, Master.

OBI-WAN: Not this time. There's too much at stake. We need help. Odd Ball, do you copy?

ODD BALL: (OS) Copy, Red Leader.

OBI-WAN: Mark my position and form your squad up behind me . . .


ODD BALL: We're on your tail, General Kenobi. Set S-foils in attack position.

The protective ray shield lowers on the main hangar of the TRADE FEDERATION CRUISER, and six new DROID TRI-FIGHTERS emerge and join the DROID VULTURE FIGHTERS heading toward the Jedi. The JEDI STARFIGHTERS extend the stability foils on the ends of their wings.


ANAKIN: This is where the fun begins. Ten Vulture Droids straight ahead, coming down the left side.

ARTOO BEEPS a worried message.

OBI-WAN: Add five Tri-fighters on the right . . .

ANAKIN: I'm going head to head. See you.

OBI-WAN: Take it easy, Anakin.

Four Clone Fighters move into formation behind the Jedi.

ODD BALL: I'm on your right, Red Leader.

ANAKIN: Incoming!!

ARTOO SQUEALS as five DROID TRI-FIGHTERS pass by at high speed on the right.

OBI-WAN: Five more on the right!

Four more VULTURE DROID FIGHTERS pass at high speed from the left. All hell breaks loose. OBI-WAN and ANAKIN continue to fly in unison, backing up each other. ARTOO SQUEALS.

ANAKIN: Here we go.

The Jedi ships split up and make a quick loop around the DROID TRI-FIGHTERS, ending up behind them. BLASTING away. The DROID TRI-FIGHTERS EXPLODE.

OBI-WAN: I'm going high and right.

ANAKIN: Hang on. There are four more of them.

OBI-WAN: Stay with me . . . swing back and right . . . help me engage. Back off ... Let them pass between us.

ANAKIN: I'm coming around. I'm coming around on your tail.

OBI-WAN: All right, engage . . . and hurry. These droids are all over me like a rash.

In one incredible move, ANAKIN swings in behind the DROID TRI-FIGHTERS, blowing them away one by one until there is only one left. ARTOO CHIRPS.

ARTOO lets out a HOWL as ANAKIN accelerates past the last DROID TRI-FIGHTER, slams on his brakes, flips the Fighter around, and BLASTS the Fighter from the front. ARTOO BEEPS frantically as they fly through the debris of the destroyed ships. ANAKIN looks behind him.

ANAKIN: How many back there. Artoo? (Artoo beeps) Three . . . (continuing) Four . . . that's not good.

OBI-WAN: Anakin, you have four on your tail.

ANAKIN: I know. I know!

OBI-WAN: Four more closing from your left.

ANAKIN: I know. I know!

OBI-WAN: Break right and go high.

ANAKIN: I'm going low and left.

Obi-Wan shakes his head.

OBI-WAN: (to himself) He still has much to learn.

ANAKIN swoops low and skims across a TRADE FEDERATION BATTLESHIP, dodging flack as ARTOO bounces along, trying to get out a sentence.

ANAKIN: Hang on, Artoo. Obi-Wan, do you copy? I'm going to pull them through the needle . . .

OBI-WAN: Too dangerous. First Jedi rule: "Survive."

ANAKIN: Sorry, no choice. Come down here and thin them out a little.

OBI-WAN drops in behind the DROID VULTURE FIGHTERS chasing Anakin. ARFOUR BEEPS to OBI-WAN.

OBI-WAN: Just keep me steady . . . hold on ... not yet. . . now break left.

OBI-WAN fires as he swings across the back of the VULTURE DROIDS, BLASTING four of them away. ANAKIN heads for a trench along the surface of one of the Trade Federation Battleships. He flies into the trench, which ends in a connin
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xX_toiletbluntz_Xx 13 Mar, 2020 @ 6:45pm 
+rep epic voice changer, flamed a kid in deathmatch a couple of months ago and it was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hilarious
Taffy 4 Feb, 2020 @ 3:24pm 
gibby <3 4 Feb, 2020 @ 11:28am 
love you Persephone
Taffy 3 Feb, 2020 @ 6:49pm 
+rep made me laugh
also go ♥♥♥♥ yourself
Metro Coomin 11 Jan, 2020 @ 1:37pm 
+rep very funny chill cs player doesnt love sucking ♥♥♥♥ like I do
ko 6 Jan, 2020 @ 6:09pm 
+rep pee