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0.2 hrs last two weeks / 158.4 hrs on record (53.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 1 Jul, 2021 @ 7:54pm

Campaign was challenging yet fun. But unless you actually order your squad/teammates to actually attack the targets by holding Q (by default) they literally will NOT shoot the enemy. Ive seen my squad and the AI on opposite ends of the same cover not even shooting at each other..

Multiplayer is where this game is really at. Its an older Battlefield game so if you didn't know that already, I don't know where you've been. It could just be my unskilled hands, but it feels like all my weapons are basically BB guns while others weapons hit harder than a 3 AM reality check at a bar after a long night of drinking. Enemies are hard to spot. Again, I'm thinking this is a ME problem rather than a game problem. I'm legally blind without my glasses lol.

It could be server based options, but I feel like there are way too many vehicles and their respawn times are incredibly too low.. Its an older game so any nerfs that the devs deemed worth having, have already happened. Meaning jets and helicopters have near unlimited supply of flares to throw off any auto-lock rockets you get in-game. This basically forces you to either get good, which isn't a bad thing honestly, or to just be lucky, when you shoot at jets and helios with an RPG. There are max level players (140) that still hide in bushes and camp tanks, jets, and attack choppers so that their KD looks good.

Overall, despite my minor grievances, I still recommend this game. I have no problem finding full servers, and often times I'm waiting in queue to get into a match to my favorite servers.
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