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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.3 hrs on record
Posted: 6 Jan, 2014 @ 11:55am

I wanted to like this game, but I have yet found a reason too, im a big mount and blade fan, and i thouht this, like many others would provide a similiar experiance. Currently, this game s plauged by Pay to Wingodplayers, bugs with game mechanics, such as Hit boxes that make the first Borderlands's hit boxes look like a walk in the park. my first battle, I spawned in, banned from server. 2nd battle, I spawn into heavy fighting on another server and i am rushed by someone who looks like the collasus, with a giant axe and heavy armor, my simple rapier is no match, and i am knocked to the ground. At this point, i notice a nice fature, that team mates can revive you in a sense, that is if they get to you before you either bleed out or are impaled by your assailent. I feel this could be a great game, but it needs much more testing, and from other reviews, Paradox seems to not take criticism well, I have no experiance of this first hand, but I believe this game was released a bit too early, However, this is what betas are for, i hope to see better things from this game soon, then i may change my review and invest more time into this.
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