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Currently In-Game
Red Dead Redemption 2
Featured Artwork Showcase
make love not war
Uncle roasts John
- There he goes.. What did I tell you, Charles, what did I tell you? Boy is sour as week old milk. No wonder she didn't stay with you. Not even a retired 2 dollar ♥♥♥♥♥ would stay with you. That's the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ truth. Now, you used to be a decent company, but now you're worse than a snake with a toothache. All he does is whine, whine, and whine...
- Excuse me?!
- Oh don't get all angry, it ain't gonna change nothing. You're hopeless. And I mean that literally, you got no hope. I mean, look at you. Look at this place! "Your dream home". I had better nightmares than this dream. "Oh, darling Abigail, I've changed! Come and live with me in an outhouse.." I wouldn't ask my worst enemy to take a ♥♥♥♥ in.
- What are you trying to say?
- It's awful. It's a dump! The house... Is gotta go. Get some self-respect, you miserable sack o' ♥♥♥♥! Build a house a lady would step foot in!
- Place just needs a woman's touch.
- It needs levelling! No woman would touch this place. :frosted:
Artwork Showcase
Hiphop mother gaming 11 Mar @ 6:43am 
Мать имба, игра года заслуженно
deinjs 11 Mar @ 6:31am 
да ♥♥♥♥♥ мне эта мать нужна
Hiphop mother gaming 11 Mar @ 6:28am 
-реп, не играет в маму.
Hiphop mother gaming 7 Mar @ 9:46am 
теперь владеет Ваша мать
deinjs 5 Mar @ 11:41pm 
deinjs 4 Mar @ 1:06pm 
oh, Arthur...