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Posted: 20 Sep, 2021 @ 1:02pm

It's edgy, it's gruesome, and disturbing as well. But it runs seamlessly for a game that was not designed for W10. Of course I don't get to play the full experience since I reckon back in the day they didn't have actual mouselook, which they added much much later (with the Steam release if I'm not mistaken). If you come from P2 and expect the same thing but on an isometric perspective by now you probably know that's not gonna be the case. And you'd probably be much better playing Redux which adds co-op for all your mass-murdering peer activities needs and is overall more polished. But if you're really persistent on that late 90s edgy Quasi-Nostradamus school shooting ending instead of that church burial premonition, and you're poor like yours truly, get P1 too, it's free, it's open-source and it's a bit more disturbing on the sound department.
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