3 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 103.1 hrs on record
Posted: 26 Dec, 2020 @ 1:19pm
Updated: 26 Dec, 2020 @ 1:29pm

If you are currently seeking a new survival game to play, honestly this isn't bad except for a few things I found from my personal experience playing the game. With friends this can be a whole lot of fun ! Solo can be as well tho it can be high tension or scary at times because of the mutants that are in the game. The enviroment looks good, sound effects are good along with the ui for crafting and inventory.
As for the long haul tho, over time the game has suffered in population in the NA servers greatly, we now only have 3 servers and chances are if you are wanting to learn, or build somewhere that's not already taken, it's going to be hard. The crafting at first can be confusing but once u familarize yourself it's actually pretty dang easy and finding mats for it is graciously found except for a few items on some blueprints like a single nail. As you explore you will find notes, aka GUIDES that u read or use to learn how to craft something else like stairs 2, or walls 2. If you die you still know them as long as you didn't create a new character.
Graphically the game is pretty good even if you happen to place most settings on low or medium it still looks great for what it is. Reflections, water, physics are awesome, of course on ultra it's eye candy. The look of bases tho is pretty stale and most look the same except the interiors. There isn't too much for cool cosmetics aside the ingame themes like xmas lights ect. You can find most pics on the steam community page.
Gameplay is solid for the most part, characters do what I want them to do when I want them to and you will get the occasional lag spike on servers if you aren't hosting your own, but it's not all the time.
Bug, yes there def are bugs, even bugs that are still there since the beginning like doors to your base that show closed but are actually open, so most will just use a wall and take it down when leaving and place it back on like i did. Traps sometimes have this odd area of effect when u aren't really touching a spike but then u get stabbed and start bleeding. Bug like the damn roaches WILL ALWAYS MAKE U BLEED EVEN IF U KILL IT WITH ONE HIT MELEE. Sometimes the mutants will appear randomly in places they shouldn't like one in the middle of a forest randomly chasing nothing, or it will just appear next to you as you are getting water from a pond. There are other bugs that I have heard from friends but won't discuss them here because I personally didn't see it done or have experienced.
The biggest thing that this game has in my opinion, is the weather! From acid rain, cold freezing atomic winters that last a few minutes, tornados, nuclear storms, it's BAD ASS and so unique and looks great when it happens. There are other things that make the game cool but as far as uniqueness, the weather is the biggest for me. I won't explain everything because most that play survivals already know you have to loot for food, water, meds ect. If you do try this for an hr, remember one thing, smell or taste food first before gorging. Oh one more thing, it pisses me off that even if you are inside a building with everything closed off, it won't save you completely from radiation storms. Best thing to do is just make sure you have meds. (unless you happened to find a bunker :D ) **spoiler**
Other than those I mentioned, I won't say to not get the game, try for yourself and make your own decision. I am simply just pointing out my experience here to help you make your decision easier.

There is no middle ground so I will rate this a NO because of the lack of servers and players atm.
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Cyneward 1 Jan, 2021 @ 10:59am 
Oh I never said not to buy it, in the last paragraph i specifically state that.
monsta 1 Jan, 2021 @ 7:24am 
So you say dont buy it due to lack of players ? What kind of logic is this ?