2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 20.8 hrs on record
Posted: 11 Apr, 2023 @ 4:38pm

This game is cool!

It delivers exactly what is promised - a Borderlands game where the story is actually an RPG campaign, and the dungeon master is Tiny Tina the maniac.

The gunplay is fantastic as always. Tons of different crazy weapons that turn into Hydras and all kinds of crazy stuff that you can imagine, the loot is addictive and the skills are fun to learn.

Don't expect too much from the story. It's kind of silly and the humor is... hm... teenager-ish if that makes any sense? Tiny Tina is a teenager after all, and the story is an RPG campaign dictated by her so... don't expect any fantastic plot twists that will make you cry or something (some of the puns are cringe though, be aware!)

The main story is a bit short but there's a huge loop at the end that will make you keep playing for hours after finishing the main quests.

Overall, if you like Borderlands and you know how Tiny Tina is, there's a high chance you'll like this game. Maybe I would not recommend purchasing it at full price, but I'd definitely recommend getting it if it's on sale.
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