Lucia Ceionia
Lucia Ceionia   Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States ・discord: ceionia
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マ イ ケ ル
I saw him again.

Who did you see?

Michael, from Vsauce.

Where did you see him?

He was sitting on a bench outside of my window, staring in. He was wearing his flannel shirt and holster

How did seeing him make you feel?

Scared. I know he’s coming, it’s a matter of time.

What makes you say that?

That’s what Michael does. He picks a girl he likes. He follows her home wearing his polo and trenchcoat, he puts her picture in a single frame of his vsauce1 videos, then he kills her. He pulls her into his lab, his dungeon, and does reddit experiments on her. He uses her as a crash test dummy to see what humans taste like. He asks her to count past infinity. He shows her cool math tricks. He invites the guys from the other two vsauce channels over to have fun and do quirky gamer stuff, and then when he’s done with her, he kills her. He slashes her neck and posts the pictures on an untitled imgur album. I saw him kill one in person. A day later I found the album randomly. He knows I saw so know I’m his new toy. I…


I don’t know why I’m talking about this with you. It’s not like you can stop him. Nobody can. He is the closest thing we have seen to god on earth. With 2 million views in one day, he will be able to sate his sick desires, forever… forever… forever…
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haters say its steak - Public Group
Where Steakists can be united and still play divided
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144 hrs on record
last played on 11 Mar
30 hrs on record
last played on 9 Mar
588 hrs on record
last played on 7 Mar
Lucia Ceionia 14 Jan @ 11:42am 
Lucia Ceionia
NixEmotions 13 Jan @ 7:00pm 
Lucia Ceionia
Hoodie SZN 13 Jan @ 3:51pm 
Lucia Ceionia
NixEmotions 25 Sep, 2024 @ 10:24pm 
redakarin 18 Aug, 2024 @ 8:37pm 
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Kazo 9 Aug, 2024 @ 11:07am 
Bad Rats is the only reason I'm alive. If I'm ever somehow not playing Bad Rats, I'm sleeping, and if I'm sleeping, you know I'm dreaming of playing Bad Rats. This game is more than a masterpiece. It is the pinnacle of human civilization. I scoff at anything else our pitiful race has had the audacity to create when I compare it to the godlike creation that is Bad Rats. Without Bad Rats, we would just be another speck on a galactic map in the future. However, I have seen the future, and I know that Bad Rats will one day be used as a universal currency. Copies of Bad Rats will be used for intergalactic slave trades or weapon dealings. People will have vaults filled with copies of Bad Rats. People will do anything to get their hands on a copy, to make it big in the economy. I have already gifted several of my lucky friends this wonderous game so that when Bad Rats becomes invaluable in the near future, they will be ready.