Steve   Ontario, Canada
Life sucks at the moment, I'm [we're] down on my [our] luck. Thankfully playing games with you friendly people is a very pleasant distraction from my [our] bleak reality. Thanks kindly for contributing to my mental break [/health]. I wish you all the best in return. =]

Hoping for better days. :-\ ... aka a 6/49 or Lotto Max Win. [Does anyone have a suggestion for some winning numbers?]

Ps. I'd say something like god bless you all, but I'm an atheist. :-P [Although I'd still accept some sort of devine miracle. =] ... ]

Ps[s]. A very Special Thanks to David and Logan for all your kindness. =]

@Valve --- I'd like to open my mind and open my eyes. ;-) Can you help me? =]

Currently Offline
BearWithNoName 17 Jan, 2013 @ 1:39pm 
Thanks for the game Steve, I still miss your broken ass :( come around sometime so we can game, happy new year, I hope this year is a better one for you and your wife :)
MrsHappyBunny 16 Jan, 2013 @ 4:04pm 
hey duuuuude, thanks for the gift! yah didn't need to, but thanks alot anyways :) oh and before i forget, happy new year! hope u got stuff sorted out now and things look brighter this year for you
Karow*BK* 15 Jan, 2013 @ 7:52pm 
Hey Smoke good to hear from you. Pop in some time and we will visit in another TS if you perfer
Smok3Scr33n 18 Jul, 2012 @ 5:31pm 
BearWithNoName 14 Jul, 2012 @ 9:17pm 
just collecting badges, arent you?
BearWithNoName 8 Jul, 2012 @ 2:26pm 
how are you old man?