Tim   Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Since GameSpot has crushed the hopes and dreams of union members, I have decided to migrate my online game related activity to Steam, where groups are awesome. Plus Steam has a great selection of PC games.

VIVA DWU!! (A Steam Group I'm a member of. See my Primary group. Ask me, and I might invite you.)
Currently Offline
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DWU aint nutn to f*k with!
In Chat
(-MAF-) fize4ever 26 Apr, 2015 @ 5:52am 
yo dawg invite to glorious dwu master race
bruneauinfo 21 Dec, 2013 @ 5:55am 
I'm pretty sure spending money is the only way up on Steam. :-D
Overland VR 17 Dec, 2013 @ 10:51am 
We can be thankful that you bought your way to lvl 10 rather than lvl 20. :dsfight:
bruneauinfo 20 Oct, 2013 @ 3:40am 
Got my first background and my first emoticon. I'd like to thank Abe Lincoln for climbing into my Steam Wallet and helping me gather the few missing cards I had for my first card related badge. I'm also a Community Ambassador thanks to the activities I completed (spending money) to achieve my City 17 badge. :gordon: (Posting Gordon here because I plan to get my money's worth out of this little guy.)
bruneauinfo 15 Oct, 2013 @ 11:07am 
The mighty DWU is growing here at Steam!! All we need now is ANY ROTK related game released here so we can draw in more members.
DPumbliQ 4 Oct, 2013 @ 12:58pm 
Ah yes, I was having problems registering my copy of Half Life 2 and I presumed it was because Steam wasn't available. Good times. :Þ