76561199498397978 24 Apr, 2023 @ 2:30am 
Nice me!!!
boylive16 10 Dec, 2022 @ 7:11am 
Thank you.
Mirciulică 10 Dec, 2022 @ 6:29am 
+rep awesome person
GC 1 Dec, 2022 @ 6:19am 
Thank you so much boylive16 I really appreciate the mods you created. You made this game much more fun for me & I hope you won't take long to make these changes😊
boylive16 30 Nov, 2022 @ 12:35pm 
I'm sorry as I was quite busy recently trying to save money for Victoria 3. But rest assured I'll look into it. I have tried with the Fort Wagon but it didn't show up in the Town Center for me too.
GC 30 Nov, 2022 @ 6:50am 
Greetings boylive16, I hope you're doing great. I'm sending you this message again since it's been some time without seeing a response from you.

I asked you if you can update the mod by doing a few things below which should make the mod perfect:

1- Fort Wagon is still not showing in the Town Center. Please try to add it and make it spawn/train faster to how you did the first time you did with Factory Wagon.

2- Factory Wagon build/training time has become slower. Could you change the build/training time to how it was before last update (which was faster).

3- Set the age requirement for the upgrades in the Factory to age 2 or 3 (whichever works)

4- Make the Mercenary unit Armored Pistoleer to be in the Tavern/Saloon by default and NOT randomized. Just replace it with Barbary Corsair unit and keep the rest of the units. Only last slot should be randomized.
GC 8 Nov, 2022 @ 9:49am 
Hi boylive16, I hope you’re doing good. In case you missed my messages, I asked you if you can update the mod by doing a few things below which should make the mod perfect:

1- Fort Wagon is still not showing in the Town Center. Please try to add it and make it spawn/train faster to how you did the first time you did with Factory Wagon.

2- Factory Wagon build/training time has become slower. Could you change the build/training time to how it was before last update (which was faster).

3- Set the age requirement for the upgrades in the Factory to age 2 or 3 (whichever works)

4- Make the Mercenary unit Armored Pistoleer to be in the Tavern/Saloon by default and NOT randomized. Just replace it with Barbary Corsair unit and keep the rest of the units. Only last slot should be randomized.

You probably have been busy with work but I hope you see this message and update the mod when you have time 😊
GC 2 Nov, 2022 @ 9:34am 
boylive16, if you've been busy lately then no worries, but I would really appreciate if you can make the changes I asked about in my last message and thanks
GC 1 Nov, 2022 @ 12:05pm 
Thanks a lot boylive16 for updating the mod. Only few things left while checking:

- Fort Wagon is still not showing in the Town Center

- Factory Wagon build/training time has become slower. Could you change the build/training time to how it was before last update (which was faster)

- Set the age requirement for the upgrades in the Factory to age 2 or 3 (whichever works)

Everything else is perfect so thanks a lot for that 😊
GC 31 Oct, 2022 @ 11:59am 
Hello boylive16, would be nice of you if you can do the changes I asked about in my recent message when you have the time
GC 29 Oct, 2022 @ 3:52pm 
No problem, Nice dreams 😊👍
boylive16 29 Oct, 2022 @ 3:51pm 
I'll check tomorrow afternoon. Gotta sleep now.
GC 29 Oct, 2022 @ 3:50pm 
Thank you so much boylive16 for making this game much more fun for me 😊

OK so here are few things I found while checking:

1- the cost was successfully set to 40 for all units but it seems the build/training time for the units wasn't changed. it's not the same as crossbowman!

Also, the Barbary Corsair wasn’t replaced to > Armored Pistoleer

2- No worries, friend. You did good. Thanks a lot

3- Fort Wagon isn't showing, only Factory wagon. Can you also minimize the age requirement and set it to age 3 (fortress age) for the wagons while you're working on it?

4- No problem friend. Please ignore it then 😊
boylive16 29 Oct, 2022 @ 12:43pm 
2-change the barracks design to blockhouse just cost time and make no sense so I just enable blockhouse to be buildable for settler, so now you have both barrack and blockhouse.
3-already done, check and report back if not show
4-i think it require modding the scenario file and i don't know if it work with mod or not.

Just got back from work so stuff quite busy.
GC 28 Oct, 2022 @ 8:41pm 
Just to make things clear:

1- Please see the message I sent on the 15th of October and make the changes I asked about to the Tavern building (ignore the dock)

2- Change the barracks design and make it look the same as Russian civilization along with the other buildings

3- Add Fort Wagon along with Factory Wagon in the town center

4- On a later update (if it's possible), set the age to Imperial of Knight's of Saint John in the Fountain of Youth mission from the start
GC 28 Oct, 2022 @ 7:10am 
On a later update, if you are able to set the age to Imperial of Knight's of Saint John in the Fountain of Youth mission from the start, then that would be great.

Do this at a later time if it's possible but for now, only the changes I asked about in the last message
GC 28 Oct, 2022 @ 7:10am 
Yeah, Tavern/ Saloon/ Blockhouse + Fort Wagon (similar to what you did with Factory Wagon) + Changing the looks of the buildings to be the same as Russian civilization
boylive16 28 Oct, 2022 @ 12:33am 
You mean you want the Blockhouse? Oh sorry I forgot about the rest, I'll change it later.
GC 27 Oct, 2022 @ 4:32pm 
boylive16, thank you for updating the mod but, I’ve noticed nothing have changed in the tavern building! I’m not sure if you have seen the message but I asked you to do the following in the tavern building:
- Set the coin cost to 40 for all the mercenary units in the tavern building
- Set the build/training time for all mercenary units to be the same as crossbowman
- Keep the population cost of all mercenary units to 1
- Replace unit Barbary Corsair to > Armored Pistoleer (if possible)

As for the buildings, it seems some buildings have the same design as German civ and not Russian. I’m unsure if they share the same design or not but the barracks in particular didn’t change to Russian.

Lastly, you did great by adding a factory wagon in the town center but can you also add fort wagon as well like I asked before?
boylive16 25 Oct, 2022 @ 9:38pm 
Ok when I finished with working then I'll go home and download the game again. Haven't touched it for a while.
GC 25 Oct, 2022 @ 2:03pm 
Hello boylive16, just wanted to let you know that the new update has been released. Whenever you have the time, please do make the changes I asked about and thanks 😊
GC 21 Oct, 2022 @ 2:09pm 
Thank you so much 😊👍
boylive16 21 Oct, 2022 @ 1:00pm 
Sorry, I have, but I must wait for the inevitable Hotfix first. I can't touch the game in this state even though I love the recent huge patch. Beside I'm having headache with German bureaucracy atm so not much time for modding. But hey when the hotfix drop I'll redownload the game and do the changes.
GC 21 Oct, 2022 @ 11:22am 
Hello bolive16, have you seen my last messages?
GC 15 Oct, 2022 @ 7:40am 
Can you also change the buildings looks to be the same as Russian civilization?

Is it possible to make Factory and Fort to be buildable rather than just cards? If so, then can you please add them too?

Lastly, if you are able to make the age start from Imperial age for the mission “Fountain of Youth” then that would be great too, if not, then no worries
GC 15 Oct, 2022 @ 7:40am 
Hello boylive16, I’ve been having so much fun playing with the mods you created for me. Thank you so much. I really appreciate the time you put forth to make these amazing mods 😊

I’d like to ask you if you can make a second version of the full package knight of St. John mod where you do the following:

- Set the coin cost to 40 for all the mercenary units in the tavern building
- Set the build/training time for all mercenary units to be the same as crossbowman
- Keep the population cost of all mercenary units to 1
- Replace unit Barbary Corsair to > Armored Pistoleer (if possible)

- Remove the monitor unit from the dock building
boylive16 7 Jun, 2022 @ 2:20pm 
Yea, meanwhile I'll just chill and wait for the next civs.
boylive16 7 Jun, 2022 @ 1:19pm 
Im afraid the Mexican Salteadores model are one(hat stick with body) too, I would have give the French theirs Foreign Legion style hat a long time ago if I could.
boylive16 7 Jun, 2022 @ 8:17am 
Guard Regular and Imperial Regular have backpack with the big US word stick behind their's models so I can't changed them, otherwise they would look ridiculous in another civs. I do have to agree with the Redcoat Musketeers model though, the previous one do look closer.
boylive16 31 May, 2022 @ 11:55am 
Edwardson model can only work as cavalry, otherwise he will T-pose as Infantry.
boylive16 31 May, 2022 @ 10:15am 
I'm afraid the model is pretty much intact, I merely mixing models here and there, but to change body part will be hard.
GC 2 May, 2022 @ 1:12pm 
I’ve been having fun playing the game with your mods lately boylive16. Thank you so much for making these mods 😊👍

When it comes to the starting from imperial age, I’m not sure how this is works, but based on your comment, is it possible if you can only do it for the last mission of act 1 “Fountain of Youth” since it takes a lot of time? The other missions can be aged up the traditional way except fountain of youth if it’s possible.
GC 25 Apr, 2022 @ 8:50am 
thank you boylive. I really appreciate the time you put forth in these mods 👍
boylive16 25 Apr, 2022 @ 7:27am 
I'll double check and add now.
GC 24 Apr, 2022 @ 2:16pm 
I see, no worries then. I'm grateful for the work you've done regardless 😊

in the case of Mercenary for Act I II and III Civilizations mod, can you add both Falconet & Culverin units in Artillery Foundry building?
boylive16 24 Apr, 2022 @ 2:01pm 
I'm afraid the whole start right at Imperial Age thing require direct editing with Scenario Editor which is quite time consuming, so I think it's best you Age up to Imperial the traditional way.
GC 24 Apr, 2022 @ 1:44pm 
Thank you sooo much boylive16 for the amazing mods. You don’t know how much I appreciate playing this game using your mods 😊👍

Just a small couple of things to fix for each of the mods.

Full Package Knight of St. John:

Can you allow the mod to start with the Imperial age rather than having to age up twice (Industrial age then Imperial age)? I’d want to have everything unlocked from the start without the need of building economy for it.

Mercenary for Act I II and III Civilizations:

For some reason, I’m unable to see Falconet & Culverin in Artillery Foundry building! Could you please add them?
boylive16 24 Apr, 2022 @ 4:45am 
Never mind, I'll upload the mod soon, search for the name: Full Package Knight of St.John.
boylive16 24 Apr, 2022 @ 1:42am 
How about I let Act 1 use Spanish tech tree instead? That way they can make use of everything the Spanish had?
GC 23 Apr, 2022 @ 4:35pm 
Boylive16, I’m not sure if you saw this in my last message, I’ve asked you if you can make a separate mod that makes Act 1 campaign uses Act 3 Technologies but set its age to Imperial age by default. Please See below description.

Separate Mod Request: Imperial age technologies of Act 3 in Act 1

Please make a mod that makes Act 1 uses Act 3 technologies (buildings, units…. etc.) but set the age to Imperial age by default.

Also, make this mod uses the same Tavern that is in the first mod.
GC 23 Apr, 2022 @ 4:35pm 
Thank you sooo much boylive16 for making this game much more fun for me. You’re really the best 😊👍

Just a couple of things I noticed that need to be fixed and added.

- You forgot to add units: Falconet, Culverin in Artillery Foundry building
- Minimize the age requirements of Horse Artillery & Rocket units to make them playable for act 1 (they require age 4 to be able to train them)
- Minimize the age requirements of Estate building technologies to be able to be upgraded for act 1 (they require age 4 and above)

- Add unit: Monitor in Dock Building
- Replace units Barbary Corsair, Pistolero & Renegado with > Gatling Camel, Napoleon Gun & Sennar Horseman in the Tavern building
- Make the last empty slot random in the Tavern building
boylive16 23 Apr, 2022 @ 8:40am 
I just finished redownloaded the game, I'll update now, should be around 30 minutes. The Internet in Thuringia is horrible.
GC 22 Apr, 2022 @ 4:01pm 
Hi boylive16, now that the April update been released, I’ve listed below what I’d like for you to update on the Mercenary mod as well as a secondary mod that I’d like for you to do.

Mercenary Mod for all Acts:

- Set the population cost of all mercenary units to 1
- Add Estate building along with all its technologies to help generate coin for economy
- Add units: Falconet, Culverin, Horse Artillery & Rocket in Artillery Foundry building (if they’re not available in the act)
- Add units: Longbowman, Halberdier, Musketeer in Barracks building (if they’re not available in the act)
- Add unit: Frigate in Dock Building (if it’s not available in the act)

Secondary Mod Request: Imperial age technologies of Act 3 in Act 1

Please make a mod that makes Act 1 uses Act 3 technologies (buildings, units…. etc.) but set its age to Imperial age.

Also, make this mod uses the same Tavern that is in the first mod.
boylive16 13 Apr, 2022 @ 6:56am 
GC 12 Apr, 2022 @ 2:28pm 
Oh, I forgot to mention this in my first message, please make the cost of the population for all mercenary units to 1 when updating the mod.
GC 12 Apr, 2022 @ 2:17pm 
Thanks a lot, boylive16 😊👍 you can leave the Tavern as it is, Estate should help in gathering coin resources since I always ran out of mines when replaying Fountain of Youth mission.

Also, please add all the technologies for Estate building when adding it.
boylive16 12 Apr, 2022 @ 1:40pm 
Sure, once the April PUP become official, i'll update it so Estate can train Mercenaries.
GC 12 Apr, 2022 @ 12:54pm 
Oh! That’s great! I am the person who requested this mod from you which I’ve been very very grateful for this mod. Thank you sooo much for creating it my friend 😊

When you have the time, can you update this mod by adding Estate building to help train mercenaries? Also, if you would, if there’s an online payment service that you use to receive payments, I’d love to show support by donating to you for the amazing work you did 😊
boylive16 12 Apr, 2022 @ 10:41am 
Yes i am.
GC 12 Apr, 2022 @ 10:02am 
Hello boylive16, are you the mod creator of the mod “Mercenary for Act I II and III Civilizations” of Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition?