BH1VE # Enigma
Roman 'Button Masher' Berezikov   United States Virgin Islands
My Devices:
Mouse: ROCCAT Kone [+]
KeyBoard: ROCCAT Arvo
MousePad: Razer Goliafhus
Headphones: ROCCAT Kave
Speakers: by HewlettPackard
Private information about me:
Nickname: bhive
Nationality: Russian
Age: 18 years old
Country: Russia
Motherland: Moscow City
Nowadays Location: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Spendin time in CSS: more than 5 years (since 2k8)
2nd place / Chelyabinsk 1x1 AWP lan cup
1st place / ESL 1x1 night cup #2 06.12.2011
Third place / ESL 1x1 CIS handgun cup 11.2011
1st place / ESL 1x1 CIS AIMMAPS cup 12.2011
4th place / UNGL 1x1 internation late night cup 09.2011
2nd place / CSPL 1x1 Fastcup 09.2011
5th place / LAN CUP 5x5 (SPB) [invitation] Team: Virtual Gaming.europe 07.2011
2nd place / (CSPL.RU) 1x1 Night Cup 05.2011 (Nickname: rmns)
1st place / (CSPL.RU) 5x5 Fastcup Team: aEd **.02.2011
2nd place / South Ural Championship (UNGLeague) 1x1 08.2012
1st place / CSPL Fast Cup 1x1 12.2011
2nd place / FGCL Late Night Cup 1x1 01.2012
4th Place / ESL "ESL goes hard" Tournament 1x1 03.2012
1st place / CSPL Cup "King of de_cpl_strike" [2x2 Handgun] 06.10.2012
Achivement / "100 versus matches" ESL 06.2012
Achivement / "10 wins in a row" ESL 06.2012
Achivement / "10% of active players" ESL 08.2012
Achivement / "100 matches 1x1" ESL SC2 04.2012
Achivement / "Versus goes crazy..." ESL **.2012
1st Place / 1x1 tournament "only de_nuke"
2nd Place / ESEA Premium Summer Season Tournament "Only de_season"
1st Place / ESL Major League 1x1 aim ladder NightCup *Spain Only*
3rd Place / ESL Major League 1x1 awp ladder Weekend Tournament *Poland Only*

Teams History (not all teams are here) :
-Team m33.
-The Second Breath
-Invincible Dragons
-Team aEd [Apofig League]
-SN Gaming
-eQuallity eSport
-ZORN Gaming Denmark
-Nature Explorers
-Team Betakick
-Curly Heads
-Tapcore gaming
-Hyper Team
Yahoo youdoRUSSIA
Skype bomirog
Currently Offline
Pvt. Paula 14 Jul, 2015 @ 1:25am 
Thank god! You got what you deserved.
BH1VE # Enigma 11 Jul, 2015 @ 6:04pm 
And Is this some kind of a nowadays trend of being such a stupid and jealous ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, huh?
BH1VE # Enigma 11 Jul, 2015 @ 6:04pm 
And Is this some kind of a nowadays trend of being such a stupid and jealous ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, huh?
BH1VE # Enigma 11 Jul, 2015 @ 6:04pm 
And Is this some kind of a nowadays trend of being such a stupid and jealous ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, huh?
BH1VE # Enigma 11 Jul, 2015 @ 6:04pm 
And Is this some kind of a nowadays trend of being such a stupid and jealous ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, huh?
BH1VE # Enigma 11 Jul, 2015 @ 6:04pm 
And Is this some kind of a nowadays trend of being such a stupid and jealous ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, huh?