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Posted: 6 Jul, 2017 @ 1:45pm
Updated: 6 Jul, 2017 @ 9:34pm

I cannot even begin to explain how much love this game brings. Is by far one of the best puzzle games I have ever played, the number of details shown A LOT of work.

Patience is the key word, patience and determination, the complexity of the puzzles is exponential, and you will probably see things you never seen before in any other game. Take your time, play it enjoying every little thing and do not let the frustration beat you, because you learn something from every puzzle, and if you just look for the answer… you won’t enjoy it as much as you could.

The whole experience is great, you will hate and then love Thekla team almost 90% of the time. It is the closest to perfection I met, and I am not exaggerating. Every little thing you see in the game has a meaning, so PAY ATTENTION.

I am not responsible for the despair that will bring you finishing this game, because is too ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beautiful.
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