Grand Junction, Colorado, United States
(Click "View more" to read my Description, thanks!)



Who am I exactly? Well, I'm honestly just a guy who may or may not have some addiction issues with Pokemon and..also other Cute things (Such as the Axobat that is my Steam Profile Picture.) But that shouldn't entirely matter unless you..hate that stuff, in which case what are you doing here?

Anyway, you'll usually see me Play a variety of Different games such as Team Fortress 2, Paladins and whatever other Games I feel like playing Single Player or otherwise, and I also do SFM Art as a Hobby. (Not so much anymore...)

If you want to see some of my art go to this link here:

Anywho, I hope you have a fantastic day.


1.) No random friend requests. I only take requests from those whom I deem trustworthy. (Look at the information below)

1.5.) If I decline your friend request. Please don't complain, or spam me with freind requests. All this will earn you is a Block from me.

2.) I have a Zero Tolerance for Death Threats, especially in my own Comment section. So please do not bring them up there. Any comments I see that are of that nature..or are just spam..I will delete myself.

3.) This *Should* be common sense, but please don't be a jerk to me or any of my other friends? We're all Humans here.

4.) If you send me a Trade offer. (Which is honestly a Rare occourance nowadays.) Please don't try to pull a fast one on me, In other words..I won't tolorate any Scam or Sharking attempts.

5.) I..don't have anything else, Other than..I hope you enjoy yourself.~

About Friend invites:

- If your profile is private, I will more than likely decline your friend request. (Unless you are someone I know from in game. In which case that's an exception)

- If you have what I like to call "One of THOSE Names" Such as ones that are Sex jokes or something Edgy like, "ShadowKiller420 or xXx(Some random word that you thought was cool)xXx, or anything else that could be deemed inappropriate like a Slur name...that is an immediate block if you try to friend me, as I have no desire to associate myself with those kinds of people. (If you're doing it out of Jest then that's fine though.)

- If you wanna trade with me, and you already aren't a friend of mine. Please don't add me. Instead use this link here and send a trade that way:

My Trade link!~ :-3

Items I am looking for in TF2:

- Maybe a Nuts and Bolts Galvanized Gibus?

If you wanna gift me a game look in my steam wishlist. If you can't get to it from my main profile here's the link here:

Addtional info:

- I like Pokemon and alot of other adorable stuff. Why you Judging?

- Before you say anything about it, NO I AM NOT A WEEABU Nor a Furry (Not in THAT way at least). So don't even think about it.

If you have any questions ask me in the comment section below, take it easy and I hope you have a good day.
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Review Showcase
4,098 Hours played
So you may have already seen that I've made a review on this game. MAYBE. If you haven't..then don't worry you didn't miss out on anything. But if you have, then you probably remember that my old review was ♥♥♥♥, and was made from the mind of a young boy who could not spell to save his life. (Seriously, "I can't Blaim"? I mean come on) So I'm redoing this Review to the best of my ability.

Anyway, to get on with it..what can I really say about GMOD that hasn't already been stated likely numerous times at this rate, not to mention the Animations and Memes from it kind of just, speak for themselves?

Well I suppose I can start by's a Physics Sandbox that used to be a Mod for Half-life 2 that was eventually nominated by Valve to become it's own standalone game that, still requires a bunch of games to be mounted or even asset mods that add all of the stuff to even use some specific maps...CS:Source being the most prominent example of this. In fact I'll just say that this part is likely going to be the make or break thing for this game. If you don't wanna buy or get the content packs for whatever games you need the stuff for, then don't bother. But I assume most people on steam don't have an issue with either given how popular this game is still.

Anyway, as you may be not so surprised to learn...the thing that's the very life blood of this game, are the mods and the steam workshop and how many different mods exist for various different purposes, and while I can't possibly list every mod..I can give a few examples of what you can kind of expect if you're just going into this blind after reading my review (Somehow). For starters you have mods that add various weapons either from video games or even just original creations that aren't really based on anything, you have Model ports, Entire gamemodes, Maps that recreate specific games or fit for doing sandbox stuff, NPCs and Bosses, A ambient Music player, And..faaarrr too many crappy FNAF Saves because apparently kids these days don't know how to press F12 on their keyboard. (No shade at the Five nights at Freddy's Community..I'm just throwing it out there.)

So what do you do in GMOD? ...Well...look at what the Workshop has to offer, as well as the many default models and tools that load into your game by default, and well, make your own fun out of it. You can explore maps, pose ragdolls for ♥♥♥♥♥♥ screenshots (I'm guilty of this myself), Create rockets to blast yourself to the skybox, Spawn Mr. X and have him hunt you down in a Maze..the list goes on..and on, and on. There's no real set objectives here. It's everyman for himself here and honestly I like that. One day I could feel like making a scene with Ragdolls, and another day I could decide to see how long I can live against a horde of Zombies.

And that's just the tip of the Iceberg of what's possible with this game, and honestly I don't think I could even do this game enough justice by making a review like this...the best way to enjoy this game is just to see what insanity you can cook up by just screwing around with what you're given either from the workshop or just be default. And honestly, I don't think I'd have it any other way.
Nep Nep~! 8 Sep, 2020 @ 6:16pm 
cleaning out my friends list, commnet on my profile for yay or nay.
FlyingSandvich 3 Jun, 2020 @ 1:44pm 
AuraTehArchenGamer! 5 Oct, 2016 @ 10:43am 
Ello!~ x3
AuraTehArchenGamer! 29 Mar, 2015 @ 6:26am 
Blazik Fyre 28 Mar, 2015 @ 12:02pm 
AuraTehArchenGamer! 2 Jan, 2015 @ 12:59pm 