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1 person found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record (0.0 hrs at review time)
So impressed yet again with the creativity and effort Half Life has inspired from the fanbase. Really incredible work and I look forward to playing the full thing in 20164. But seriously I hope people can pause and appreciate how much effort goes into making a vertical slice like this from complete scratch. The level of detail in the level design definitely is beyond what we could have expected from Valve in 2007.
Posted 11 November, 2024.
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0.5 hrs on record
Posted 4 October, 2024.
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9.5 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Slept on it way too long. PURE KINO with potential to be an immersive sim GOAT
Posted 11 August, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
they really had no business going this hard
Posted 10 May, 2024. Last edited 10 May, 2024.
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37.5 hrs on record (27.5 hrs at review time)
hell yeah
Posted 8 May, 2024.
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4.7 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
Guys will see this and just think "hell yeah"
Posted 22 April, 2024.
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5.7 hrs on record (5.2 hrs at review time)
shockingly underrated
Posted 20 April, 2024.
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9.6 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
Really great game, even with zero considerations, but when you factor in that every texture, model, script and song was made by one guy it's really an incredible testament to what can be accomplished when someone that is highly skilled executes on a creative vision. I really enjoyed the pacing of Chapter 1, starting off with a strong Resident Evil 4 vibe with slow and methodical combat encounters that becomes more fast paced and traditionally boomer-shooter-esque as the player's arsenal expands enabling them to rip and tear through enemies that were previously threats that needed to be approached carefully. I played through the game on the "Very Hard" difficulty and I found it appropriately challenging, often having to savescum through some harder encounters, but rarely to the point of frustration.

The only thing I do not like about this game is the stylized color palette and sparse lighting can make identifying your enemies very difficult sometimes. This creative decision occasionally puts you in the scenario where you walk into a new dark area, and the enemies get the opportunity to attack you before you can even know they're there, as they're only visible by their muzzle flashes. This forces you to resort to blindly returning fire into the darkness hoping to hit your attacker. The sharpshooter enemies that hitscan from very far and do a large chunk of damage (24 points on very hard if Im not mistaken, making it narrowly NOT an instakill from the regenerating health threshold, which I think is a great design decision) are particularly annoying because of this.

Keep in mind that is my one real nitpick with this game. Otherwise it's excellent. There's really a totally different game-feel from the archetypal boomer shooter and I would have a hard time even putting the "boomer shooter" label on it since it's influences are clearly drawn from genres other than classic FPS. It has horror encounters that I think work much better than they do in Dusk and Hrot since you really have to learn how to deal with new enemies as you encounter them for the first time. It's never as simple as pull out your shotgun and start blasting. Okay, sometimes it is. But sometimes getting up close to an enemy is a death with, and you need to use fire. Other times, they're totally immune to fire. There's a lot of tactical variation keeping you on your toes. Highly recommended to anyone who enjoys a good FPS single player experience.
Posted 10 February, 2024.
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18.1 hrs on record (17.7 hrs at review time)
quak 2
Posted 30 August, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
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34.7 hrs on record
add mod support cos u suck at making games lol
Posted 18 March, 2023.
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