Zsozsika cs.money
Can't play Anymore

All of my collections are on my smurf check it :csgogun::pinkdeath::goldengun:HERE :omfg:
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:omfg:I always keep my inventory private to protect my items from a potential scammer and hackers/phishers
:omfg:I am very careful in every trade i made expensive or not i don't care
:omfg:I don't add private profiles (auto block)
Don't waste my time (autoblock)
:omfg:I dont leave expensive items in my inventory. I always sell them at steam market for profit
:omfg:I don't give free items/games/cards/etc.
:omfg:I have been a PayPal verified member since 2006.
:omfg:I am Steam Guard Protected.

:Winking::Winking:My Collections ❤

Ruby http://imgur.com/a/n5bxi
Slaughter http://imgur.com/a/vLI2f
Blue CH Collection http://imgur.com/a/k8eH9
Crimson http://imgur.com/a/ApSxa
Safari Collection http://imgur.com/a/avLEz#0
Fade collection http://imgur.com/a/3qgQa
M9 100% fade Statrack http://imgur.com/a/9dd2a
Kara Statrack 80/20 http://imgur.com/a/a0SKz

:earth1:I work just with SteamRep Middleman List - http://steamrep.com/list/M
Also i have the highest certificate (passport) in the system Webmoney - The Merchant Passport,
so you can easily and without risk pay first)

Please check the price before making an offers! I don't want to offer, I want offers.

Trade for real money:
:ILoveYou:1) You must go first, or through a Middleman from the site Steamrep.com ONLY!
:ILoveYou:2) I would prefer you make the transaction through paypal, webmoney or qiwi.
:ILoveYou:3) I will send your order items when I receive your payment at my account (paypal, webmoney, qiwi). So do not sent me your printscreen trying to prove that the money were transferred to my account before this moment.
:ILoveYou:4) Also even do not try to send me a bill for payment (invoices). I am no fool and I know how to use Paypal. So if you send me an invoice I will report your profile at Steamrep.com/forum

:9mm: READ - FOR TRADING :9mm:

:bpflash:If you added me and I have not accepted your invitation, I may be mobile or at work or offline; it would be very helpful if you made a post below outlining what you need (links helpful) so that I may immediately assist you when I return or send me steam offers instead.
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Zsozsika cs.money Trade Banned 4 Jul, 2016 @ 11:36am 
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