
Carmina 最近的评测

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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 44.7 小时
A fantastic version of one of the best adventure games of our time. The camera has that good ol' PS2 jank to it still but the game otherwise holds up really well. The characters are charming, the story is engaging, the level design and world are interesting, the boss fights have unique gimmicks, the music is moving, and the art! OH THE GORGEOUS STYLE of this game!

If you can't tell, I love this game. I've loved it since playing it back on the PS2 and I'm sure I will continue to love it long into the future. The sequel announcement was a good excuse to pick up this version and own the game a 4th time so I could play it on stream and I'm so glad I did. There are parts towards the end of the game that I had forgotten about and I will say the ending had me moved to tears. I've grown into such a big silly softie anymore but man does this game hit just right.

An absolute classic that is worth your time and money. Don't sleep on this one. Especially if you're a fan of like Zelda games and similar. It's a standout among the formula.
发布于 2 月 21 日。
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有 10 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 43.4 小时
If there are two things I've learned over the years about time loop stories, across all mediums; it is that they are tragic and they are the deepest form of horror one can experience. How many loops would it take before you go mad? How long before the people around you and their repeated samey responses and dialog starts to just feel like NPCs? Even those closest to you, those you love, your friends and family will start to not feel like real people as they do the same thing. Over. And over. And over. And. Over.

This game leans fully into the horror of being stuck. The mystery of why and the maddening journey trying to figure out how to escape. The terror of seeing everything go horribly wrong and being stuck with that memory. Sure you loop back, you reset everything, but who do you turn to to process that feeling? How do you talk about the emotions caused by an event that only you remember happening? How does it not drive you to the brink of sanity?

This game is an emotional journey from start to finish. I took my sweet time with it and probably made it take longer than it should have to get through to the end. The writing may not be to the taste of some but for those willing to engage with it and meet it on its level, it will stick with you. I won't go so far as to say the game will change you or anything but it will have an impact. Normally I try to write my reviews immediately after finishing a game, for this one I had to take a week to process the emotions it left me with. I smiled, I laughed, I cried... I cried a lot.

In this humble gal's opinion the characters are all charming and likable. Even being stuck in the loop of just a two day's journey through what is ostensibly the "final dungeon" of your normal RPG you get lots of peeks into the character's personalities. Their likes, dislikes, fears, insecurities, hopes, and dreams. The game will endear you to its world and characters if you let it. And you should. You should let them into your heart. That way when things go wrong, and they will go wrong in your search for answers, the knife twist will hurt that much more.

The gameplay isn't a lot to write home about. The systems are purposely simple, but elegant in their execution. It's a Rock, Paper, Scissors magic system quite literally and there won't be a lot of depth of strategy or party builds. Not that there is no depth or strategy at all, just that it isn't the focus here. You gotta look at it similar to the RPGs of old that it clearly takes inspiration from. You'll maybe throw up some simple buffs, you'll use your strongest attack, and you'll heal when needed. There's a couple of mechanics encouraging chaining of combos and at least one major fight requires paying extra attention to enemy abilities and timing but like I said the combat isn't the focus. More than anything else the gameplay is about piecing together the story and solving the narrative puzzles.

I wish I could say more on the game but I fear spoiling too much if I do. Play this game, it is well worth the time and emotional investment. And maybe avoid looking too much into fanart and stuff until you finish the game. There's some later reveals you might accidentally spoil yourself on. It won't hurt the narrative getting spoiled but it takes some of the intrigue out of the mystery. Don't make the same mistake I did!
发布于 2 月 14 日。
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总时数 6.3 小时
A decent fast paced... puzzle? game. Honestly I'm not sure what else to compare it to. Maybe a bullet hell? The game is good. And it's free. Give it a try. Hard mode is decently difficult and the challenge will give you a good few extra hours of playtime and the satisfaction of finally beating it is greater than that of any Souls boss. Least for me it was.
发布于 2024 年 12 月 30 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 27.1 小时
This game is a unique experience that I find hard to describe or compare to any other. Sure runs have exploration and resource gathering and there is an aspect of trying to take care of and upgrade your vehicle; but those kind of mechanics descriptions bring to mind survival games that I don't really think this game matches the feel of. There are light horror elements, strange anomalies that would feel at home in something like the SCP foundation; but again the game doesn't quite match the same sort of unease and tension of your usual horror titles.

Whatever it is this game is a gem. It can be tense, you can be racing to get out of a zone before the storm consumes you. But it can also be relaxing in a weird way. Just you and your car, maybe you'll even name it for it is your one constant friend and companion, driving through the wilderness as you look for resources and follow the story. If you choose to follow the story. I myself found myself going on runs just to go out and enjoy the exploration. Instead of rushing through areas I mostly took my time and looted every little thing I could. Me and the Enigma Wagon went on many casual adventures, maybe too many...

The one major downside to this game is time. I venture to believe that the game is designed in a way that doesn't expect you to actually loot every little thing. It wants you to drive, to power through an area just getting what you need most. And as you get further into the story you run into more areas that aren't peaceful, that have the storm coming immediately putting you on a timer to get through things to the next zone. Unfortunately I spent so much time just casually going through early areas just to do so I ended up avoiding the story missions and by the time I started working further into the game I felt like I got most the upgrades I wanted. I was happy with my Enigma Wagon and while I enjoyed going on adventures and was interested in the story I was starting to get a little burnt out and distracted by other games. So I never finished it. I was putting so much time into each run that it became a bit overwhelming to keep going with the game. I set it down, planning to come back to it after a break, but as we all know that's a surefire way to not see the end of a game.

I would recommend if one plays this game to not turn every run into a completionist drive trying to get every possible resource on the map. Plan a route to what you need, be it cores or just the exit, and just get what you run into along the way. You'll end up with way more materials than you actually have a use for if you try to grab every little thing. It'll drastically cut down how long each run takes and I think the frantic pace is what is more intended. Some of the story missions will still take a while and the game only saves when you enter a new zone so if you're one with not a lot of free time keep that in mind. Ultimately though I still think it's a game worth experiencing. It has a unique play loop and vibe that I don't think you can find anywhere else and is absolutely worth the time spent.
发布于 2024 年 11 月 28 日。
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有 24 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 2 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 31.2 小时 (评测时 19.1 小时)
A fun spin on the hidden traitor genre. While not without its issues, it's still in early access so I can't be too harsh on it. Even with only one map and a meta of rushing for weapons the game manages to be a consistently good time with friends. A recent update has helped mitigate the rush meta at least somewhat by moving weapon spawns to code locked containers.

The twist of everyone has the ability to kill someone at any time, not just the traitor, makes all sorts of fun chaos. You could catch the traitor doing something, find a weapon and kill them, only for someone else to only see the act of killing and think you're the traitor and kill you in response. Or someone can just decide it's generally funny to blow themselves up with C4 and run up and blow up a room just cause. It's a constant cavalcade of chaotic mishaps that keeps you guessing what is going on and makes the whole time a laugh riot with friends.
发布于 2024 年 11 月 27 日。
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有 7 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 20.3 小时
I know I'm late to the party on this one. This game has long been on my to play list and now that I've finally gotten through it, multiple times, and 100%ed it all I can say is I wish I played it sooner. This game has been such a rabbit hole for me. I've watched hours of videos of people trying to piece together the mystery of the narrative and while there are similar threads found between videos each conclusion people reach is very much their own and that's part of the beauty of this game.

There are no clear answers. The game doesn't seek to be understood it seeks to be felt. Any way you interpret the story is as valid as anyone else's read on it and it comes down to what the story makes you feel. It wants you to think about it and it wants to change how you look at things and I think it does a great job of both. It uses its music and mechanics in brilliant ways to set the mood and make the story hit in ways that few other horror games have for me. The game also uses its influences to elevate and enhance the story. You can go in with no knowledge of these influences, you can miss the references, and it still is a powerful story. The game wears its influences on its sleeve though. Knowing those influences can color how you look at and approach everything in the game and I do think adds something to the experience.

For me, the way I look at this game can be boiled down to this: The power of love as comic horror. The moment I got to the end of the intro and I found the book "The King in Yellow" was a huge revelatory moment for me. Though I'm not fully familiar with all aspects of that foundational cosmic horror text, I am familiar enough that seeing that name immediately put me on guard. I didn't know exactly what was coming, but I did know what sort of themes to expect and I wasn't let down.

This game will stick with me forever and I hope if you've read this far you'll give it a shot so it has the chance to invade your thoughts as it has mine. You too can go mad following repeating sequences of numbers and trying to piece together an impossible looping rabbit hole of a narrative about love, loss, and forces beyond our understanding.
发布于 2024 年 11 月 11 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 205.0 小时 (评测时 10.6 小时)
Normally I'm not one for fishing in games. Be they fishing games themselves or minigames in other games. I generally don't mind them but they aren't the content I go out of my way for in games and in some games I'll outright avoid the system all together if I can.

This is different, I'm already at 10 hours and likely will see more. Yes it is a fishing game and the main form of progression is the fishing. But the game feels more like an adorable chatroom. It's a great place to hang out with friends and just shoot the ♥♥♥♥ or a thing to do on the side while watching a movie together. There's also a delightful absurdity to things like someone catching a whale and it suddenly takes up the whole screen. You can see the thing from across the map and it's funny every time. There's also a very robust and well put together in game Guitar you can play which is neat. I also appreciate the hidden stuff in the game like the phantom fishing rod. Would love to see more things like that where its something hidden across the map to collect. The fishing itself is simple, which I prefer. It's pretty much just click and hold for the most part and isn't something that you'll ever have to stress over or get frustrated with. The mechanic isn't completely mindless but it's not a pain which helps with the game's laid back vibe. Just really chill, like real fishing.

The game is cute, the game is cozy. There's enough actual game there to be engaging, but it's also a really good social space and I do think there is value in the game for that alone. Even if you're not a fan of fishing it's worth giving a shot if you have a bunch of friends who play. So I give it a recommend. Try it out and see how it jives with you.
发布于 2024 年 10 月 31 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 3.4 小时
Yeag you should play this.
There's no reason NOT to play this game.
It's free.
But if you want a reason here we go...

The game has a lot of depth in its mechanics, with a lot of unique feeling kart options, some great level designs, and fun items. There is a lot to love even just as a normal casual kart racing game to play with friends. BUT ALSO the game has a fantastic story mode to unlock everything through with unique boss fights and a taste of all the different stages and game modes. There's even multiple endings, including a secret ending that, similar to Bloodborne, requires you to find 3 hidden items throughout the world in order to fight the TRUE final boss. Even with some difficulties on first placing a couple of the stages and the struggles I had with the final boss it only took a little over 3 hours to get through it all so not like it's an egregious time investment either.

The swap from being a Bloodborne themed game to something legally distinct was initially kind of upsetting to hear about. It sucks she got hit by a C&D just before release. What we ended up getting though is still fantastic. The Bloodborne DNA is still there in the weapons and level designs and themeing of things but the swapped around character designs are all really charming. The voice acting is perfect too.

The game nails the PS1 aesthetic, possibly even a little too much (I toned down some of the settings in the options menu before playing all the way through), so if you grew up in the era it will feel right at home. The music is oops all bangers too; highly recommend getting the soundtrack. Can't wait for a chance to play this alongside a group of friends just like the gold ol' Mario Kart days.
发布于 2024 年 10 月 29 日。
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有 8 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 7.8 小时
If you played the first one you more or less know what you're in for:
- Great characters
- Sexy lovecraftian gods
- Strange rituals you must perform to kiss them
- Multiple routes and endings
- Good music
- A damn good story

The sequel takes the already good writing and gameplay of the first and I think does a good job of adding to and improving on the formula. Instead of the one room you now have a whole house to explore and run around avoiding death while you perform various cult rituals. Without spoiling any of the story elements I will say I loved the loop of this one and the overall vibe. Lowkey really wish there were 1000 chapters.

Like the first game the final chapter is a doozy of memorizing all the possible things that could kill you and how to counter them. I got exceptionally lucky with the RNG, getting the same one a few times in a row resulting in a quick and easy zero death run; but even as I was nearing the end of the countdown to victory the tension was palpable and I was just waiting for something to go wrong in the last 30 seconds. It may be over in only a few short hours but every second is worth the price of admission. So have yourself a good time and kiss that goat milf!
发布于 2024 年 10 月 24 日。
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有 6 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 0.0 小时
A solid emotional story that fits in nicely at the end of the game. It's a short run time, will take you about 3 and a half hours to complete, but it's a good addition to the game and I think worth the experience. The Mercenaries content is just a bonus far as I'm concerned and as far as third person mode goes... I dono I feel like the game's environments weren't built for 3rd person and you might have camera trouble? That was the vibe I got going through the DLC stuff at least. Camera shift may not be for me but others may like it and cool for them.

The pricetag may be a bit steep if you're only getting it for the campaign content, but I do think that content is worth the time. If the cost worries you just wait for a sale, steam has enough of them.
发布于 2024 年 10 月 16 日。
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