Sludge Judy
Mater Tenebrarum   Moldova, Republic of
President King and Socialist CEO Princess of ANTIFA and Voted #1 Worst Babysitter in America by Forbes. Proud member of MENSA for my respected achievements in butt mogging & satanic menstrual cup distribution to racist Christian nationalists :danceforus::COConetentacle::inno:
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Are you there, God? It's me, Marbas
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51 saat oynandı

tl;dr review: "Don't let a good story get in the way of telling a good story" - Quantum Dream
First, a little praise:
I'll admit that I liked the buddy cop segments and dare I say, even liked two of the characters... but I learned that's largely because the actors ignored Cage's direction, and just riffed and improvised off of one another. Every time actors did this, there was a memorable scene, but the dialogue that wasn't improvised was more or less alright as well. I thought the android graveyard scene was cool as f***, and gorgeously designed. It is a remarkably beautiful game, with stunning animations and environments- and the cast of actors did an incredible job with the material. Credit's due where credit's due! Now to drag this beautifully polished abomination of storytelling:
David Cage wants you, NEEDS you to be sad when the sad music plays. His reliance on trauma porn starts to feel exhausting after a while.

He wants you to be sad over every single character, each of which is suffering from endless torment and suffering in EVERY single game of his, every scene needs to be EXTREMELY high stakes at all times- just to illustrate his genius, super subtle, deep subtext: bigotry bad, guys. Bad. I think.

"Surely my mentally deficient audience will need further help understanding *just* how bad it is," David Cage thinks, probably. Like, yes. Bigotry is very bad indeed. You wanna expand on that concept at all? No? Aight. Oh, we're exploring what being a human or sentience actually entails- Really b**ch? SO WHAT ARE WE DOING!? What are you on about, bro? It felt all over the place.
It feels like EVERY human (aside from like, one guy) on planet earth is racist(?) against androids. Wooow. You're really holding a mirror up to society, David. That's like, crazy, man. Yes, there are many humans who are like that - but like half of the human population on earth are not. Bigotry serves as a lazy plot device that really seems ill understood.

If David Cage expects me to believe that we can feel emotions for his poorly written characters, then why is it so hard to believe that there would be plenty of humans who would be sympathetic to the suffering of the androids when they display sentience? So, not a single human will help provide oil and parts to the revolution until you let your comrades be cut down by gunfire on live television?

Everyone with a human face who is made out of meat is literally the devil, and if you trust one they will try to steal your organs or whatever. Then again, how else can we keep those sweet, succulent stakes as inhumanly (pun intended) high as possible? To kill me. To make me die. Please help me, I am in so much pain.
Plot gobbledygook: For some agonizing reason, David Cage doesn't follow the established rules of his own universe.
The androids have a linking ability when they touch one another, as evidenced by Markus. However, later on, Markus is seen merely waving his arms like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Moses all like "let my people go", and seas of androids are suddenly linked with Markus, joining and the others in the revolution. It's instant, and implied any android can do it, and for some reason they feel the need to touch other andoids to do it for no other reason than David Cage wants to play sad music and have a dramatic-looking scene. If there's any more corny in this story, I will get diabetes. Why didn't they do this before?
When other androids interact with one another, the LEDs on their temples glow; they are able to non-verbally communicate with one another as a basic function: so how is it possible that the child android was mistaken as a human by another android until the literal end of the game? How is it that the child android lacks these basic UI functions in addition to being completely unaware they are an android if the LED needs to be physically removed? Did the girl have her memory wiped when it happened? It is never explained.
I shouldn't have to imagine up an excuse for this ♥♥♥♥, just because David Cage couldn't.
David Cage respects his audience so much that he expects us to believe that a divorced dad unemployed speed freak who lives in a rundown house is able to afford his very own creepy child service android, and, according to the rules Cage established, require oil and parts that are guarded more closely than the nuclear missile codes.
So like, does Meth Daddy gotta go to these bases (oh sorry I mean "shipping ports", LOL) full of armed guards with automatic weapons and combat drones in order to acquire the blue blood? Little details like this started to really annoy me.
What about the guy in the wheelchair, who's only means of help was Markus? Does Markus wheel him all the way to the base, or is he given a little hall pass so he can go himself? No? Sure, there are drones and assault-weapon bearing humans at the base yet *no armed guards* at the stores. Bro could have just knocked out the two drones in front of any location, clapped human cheeks inside, and walked out with new android friends and parts.
See what I mean? In a FPS game, I wouldn't give a sh*t, but these games ARE the story and the story is the game. So it's a lot harder for me to ignore.
David Cage really, really thinks he's doing something, truly thinks he is saying something with his games. He has interesting ideas that he fails to flesh out, and those he puts a modicum of effort into end up being tired, vapid, and predictable.
He also follows the "sad music means cry now" formula that films like Marvel movies use (but badly), which I find annoying and cheap. If I barely care about some of the characters (I am given no reason to), then it comes off goofy af.

He uses trauma, abuse, and all the bad things (terribly) to lazily "build character", but those things do not define people in real life. I would like to know a lot more about them aside from that. He does do a good job of initially introducing each, but it falls into "and then, and then, and then" storytelling territory often.
Think about it: given how many hours long the game is, who aside from the buddy cops had a memorable personality?

Markus's personality is, for example, a guy who had really bad stuff happen to him. The housekeeper android's (I literally can't remember most of their names lmfao) personality was a person who bad things happened to and she didn't like that. She protected the child android, that was cool I guess. Her story branch is so corny and it is absolutely absurd at times. There is a scene where you run through traffic to save the kid and through the miracle of plot armor and deus ex machimas, they're just fine. In all fairness, it was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hilarious.
Ending: I was especially annoyed at the "I'M THE REAL ONE" "NO, I'M THE REAL ONE" ending, it's tired and overused. I'm old and full of piss so that's probably why I'm bored of seeing that trope. It didn't feel like an homage, it felt like David Cage slipping in his own excrement and telling me it's ice skating.
Worse than being preachy is TRYING to be preachy, and failing. All this being said, I do not mean to take away an enjoyable experience for you. It IS an entertaining game... if you purposely play it wrong hahah. There are societal issues that could have been explored in meaningful ways, but it's more shallow than John Wick.
The game's morality on consent and what it means to be aLiVe (so deep)is ultimately grandstanding, empty bullsh*t that stands for nothing. Many other games, like NieR: Automata, do a farbetter job at this. You truly felt the devastation and sense of loss.
That being said, all the things that are horribly wrong with the story, are also what makes it hilarious. It's so earnest that it has the same vibe as a b-movie, which are always fun. Get it on sale and just enjoy the ride, for all it's absurdity.
Thank you for reading my review :) <3
Favori Rehber
Yaratıcı - Darkast.DF
the best way to watch paint try is patience, it is very important. Before you watch the paint dry its best you have a friend with you. Maybe bring along a girl for a date. Best date ever! Dam I can feel the paint. The paint. Its drying. How long have I bee
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Regolith 26 Haz 2020 @ 17:33 
w-w-w-what.. are you a g-girl?m m'lady may i tell you blushes about the holocaust around the 1930's??? I mmeant... sorry, im get nervous >w< im a nice person and if anyon one ever hurts you,,< i will. Will protect you withth my s-sword kun.. ur asian btw.., uwu so,.. you, like a-anime and mm-manga too? That is ss-so me! blushes a deep red.. you are my type by-btw, you arent fat.. right? S-sorry, fat as-asian girls are n-not my type uwu, i-i am a reall-very nice person, b-but you will will make me, make me happy too? L-like, in the morning, wou-would you do, IT with me?? :333 i-im sorry, i-you remind me of the g-girl from naruto sarada!! I know my stutff ;), and and aqua too!!! T-these are my fav-favorite waifus i e-even own body pillows of, them!
Regolith 21 Nis 2020 @ 16:56 
Unsettling information will be shared in the days ahead about the individuals involved in this satanic cult and what they've done. Truth can be uncomfortable, but it's nonetheless truth. And btw....not all people in the spiritual community are awake, and some are not aligned with the light. Trust your intuition to know truth and follow it. You are your own guru. ❤ thanks kbw
Sludge Judy 20 Nis 2020 @ 23:30 
I am a degree 6 Zoosexual, sexually and emotionally attracted to Tyrannosaurs and nothing else. Women don't even do it for me. I am cursed to live my life in the misery that my most powerful emotional fantasies will never be even close to coming true. Life is like hell to me. I will never know true love.
Sludge Judy 20 Nis 2020 @ 23:30 
lmagine this. You areattracted to women, Iike you arenow (emotionally and sexually), but they do not exist. They existed a long time ago, and no one knows what they looked like (They have a pretty good idea from the fossils, however), but they do not exist anymore. That means, not only do you know there will never be any possibility of you having sex with one, but there's not even a possibility of you ever seeing one in real life. Everyone else, however, except for a very few, are not attracted to women, they are attracted to something else entirely. So in other words, you will never find any porn anywhere on the internet, only non-sexual pictures of women. Everyone you have told about your attraction to women think it's disgusting. To relieve yourself, you get off on the non-sexual pictures of women, knowing it will never get any better.

That's what life is like to me.
Many-Named 4 Nis 2020 @ 0:20 
And with time, I began to notice how stale the content truly was. How the same 'memes' could be spammed over and over again, and still get massive amounts of attention. And I also began to notice something else. The viciousness with which you attacked each other. The semi-constant bullying and harassment. Each day, it made me even more sickened than before, to the point where you people made me start questioning everything about reality and what I knew about it. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I was drinking 2 bottles of milk every night. But, finally, my mission is complete. Tomorrow, we will be publishing a comprehensive guide on this group, potentially exposing some of your members' most well kept secrets. I'm deactivating this account at midnight, but before I do, I just want to let you know you all make me sick
Many-Named 4 Nis 2020 @ 0:20 
The humor was bizzare, yet interesting. Nonsensical, yet genius. I spent several months interacting with people I had never met before in my life, learning the culture, what was "cool" and what wasn't. Eventually, I began to make my own posts, testing the waters now and then. And eventually my own posts started getting noticed, and maybe for a minute or two I understood why you all do this. But that didn't last long.