1 person found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 32.8 hrs on record (30.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Sep, 2020 @ 2:09am

This game and its devs are awful. I've had countless, often gamebreaking issues. From time desyncing between scenes (leading to enemies respawning immediately), to quests breaking (having to repeat the same part of a quest over and over again until the game decides to save your progress or quests not progressing leading to a soft lock), backpacks disappearing, etc. This game's issues are numerous and make it near unplayable as you're constantly backtracking over lost progress.

Issues aside, the game is clunky with shallow mechanics. The only enjoyment I've derived from this game is in co-op. The story is boring and the voice acting is atrocious. I've seen Skyrim mods with better voice acting than this.

The devs have yet to fix the bugs listed above and they provide few tools to enable the player to fix it themselves. The debug menu is extremely limited and it's near impossible to resolve quest issues with it.

There is fun to be had in multiplayer. But that's not a selling point of the game. Anything is fun with friends. With the devs having just released a lazy DLC (which largely rehashes existing content making it easier to obtain) at half the price of the base game, it's safe to say I won't be getting it.
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