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Recent reviews by Velorie

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92.0 hrs on record (87.9 hrs at review time)
Game turned into an Anime Series on my second Monitor due to constantly running down the same Monster 50 Times in a Row . can play it blind mostly now, thanks to Heavy PewPew.

11/10 if u into benching a series.
Posted 20 March.
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123.4 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It is an amazing pokemon meets survival genre game which is fun to play and has quite alot of detail to it and gameplay , from "pals" to base building and exploring (dungeons, towers, open world) , and you can play it with your friends and family IF the multiplayer function would properly work...

me and my cousin are trying for like an hour just to start the multiplayer part of the game (world start shows multiplayer on) but there are 24/7 errors with internet connection problems , whcih isnt rly true otherwise my youtube wouldnt work and other games wouldnt work....so yea please fix this fast @pocketpair other than that i love this game..
Posted 19 January, 2024.
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15.7 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Playing the Game mostly because of Buzz Lightyear yet he ain't implemented i think... or i aint far enough is story either way bring him into my game ASAP, still bought this game thinking nothing special of yet but since my Friends are often not available currently and we miss each other often thanks to my work, this game helps me relax alot and brings me joy seeing Wall-e so happily driving around or Goofy just being Goofy, Micky is a creepy guy not gonna lie but still, i hope that there is soon more to explore! even though some of the quests are straight up bit annoying to do but that what keeps you playing i guess, its oddly satisfying so whoever loves disney characters for any reason and loves a animal crossing kind of gameplay finds his place in Dreamlight Valley

still lets be real here WHERE IS BUZZ?!?
Posted 28 September, 2022.
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41.2 hrs on record (38.4 hrs at review time)
Its a good game even tho Endgame doesnt feel so rewarding as it might should be , also since the newest update ( it seems that the online function does not work anymore properly , since i cannot play my online character , you cannot create a server for some reason, yet if you into playing a dungeon crawler it seems pretty well done. But for now only offline playing possible
Posted 7 August, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
12.5 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
At First it looked super cool , i thought the game stays thesame like chapter one , having a game like this would be much cooler , but that you have another game in the end is very sad...wished it would be cooler if you can stay in chapter 1 forever with more bosses and allgiving more replayablility , i still played through it all but i have to say i am disappointed in it...
Posted 4 December, 2021.
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61.1 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Its Amazing for a Fun co-op/Single player experience altho not much contenct yet but i´m sure they will add alot of features , specialy since u already see diff. stuff implemented just no access to it yet.

Can only say its amazing and fun so yes def. recommented
Posted 4 August, 2021.
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103.5 hrs on record (46.6 hrs at review time)
Funny game just the only problem is....getting cards ifu wanna play with a friend but otherwise pretty fun the good old yugioh
Posted 1 July, 2019.
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0.7 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
Wirklich tolles Visual Novel Spiel, dass Jemanden wirklich zum nachdenken gibt.

Zwar etwas kurz gehalten aber dafür umso besser gemacht.

Es ist eindeutig etwas Einzigartiges in der Visual Novel reihe.
Wer 10-20 Minuten Zeit hat und eine kurze Geschichte lesen will , tut es mit diesem Novel.
Posted 4 April, 2016.
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9.1 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Super Spiel=) liebe es finde nur blöd dass man unbedingt einen mann spielen muss aber ghört sich halt zu solch einen spiel^^
Finde doof dass keine Audio datei gibt aber dass das einzige problem für mich ... solange man englisch versteht und mal ein kleines love spielchen spielen will sollte sich das sofort holen auch wenn man hier nur lesen darf hauptsächlich aber ich glaube Manga fans oder leute die gerne bücher lesen und auch mal etwas mehr wollen als leere wörter zusehen finde das spiel toll=)
Posted 18 July, 2014.
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