The_Vility 🥶🥶🥶
James Gervais
Jackie Trans was born in the year 1992 of an extremely influential family in a relatively uneventful birth. Various rumors credit God or even Satan as the actual father of James, (Real name is thought to be something completely different.), But these obviously erroneous claims can be proven incorrect by simple logic.

The sort of life that James endured for his first ten years, having a depressed, angry life after the murder of his sister (and as some believe, his only true friend), relocated to some random town in the United States. After an altercation with several street bums, leaving 4 of them in the hospital, he was detained by Police and sent for psychiatric help immediately.

This abuse created strain on Mr. Gizingars' previous mental instabilities, eventually leading to the violent (and unsolved) murder of the local police chief. This change seemed to help the local moral, So in what can only be described as another unwise decision, He once again relocated to some crappy industrial port town looking for work in Port Arthur. In 2011, he cheated on his American Defense Force psychological profile and joined the 32nd Defense Cell.

As such, in 2018, after seven years of service, (And several reprimands) He quit to join the notorious gang "The Dutch Ticklers". Predictably, his desire in joining this gang was related to his love of gay butt-play. Here, he began honing his skills he had learned in various forms of torture and brutality, This is where he garnered the nickname "Mr. Nine Inch" for the first time. Somehow, this name stuck, and it is argued that his violent nature and eccentric attitude is what made him infamous.

(If it's been a more than a year since I've logged in, I'm probably dead. I hope you have a good life!)
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Review Showcase
402 Hours played
As The Butcher of Blavikin, I'd seen my fair share of death and war. I had ended the lives of those who had once claimed to be amongst the most powerful on the face of the earth.
I was the darkest, innermost fears personified by man, watching, waiting. The storm that crushed ships upon the craggy rocks of the coast, laughing at the fearful eyes of drowning men.

I was death given form. Man, But no mere man. Nay, I was the end to many, A savior to most.

Let me tell you now of the War of the Roses, How the Butcher of Blavikin had fallen from grace.

Fresh from the victory of the battle of Mortimer's Cross and ripe in the knowledge that I had single handedly slain Battle-Mage Baron Mauger of Stormhind, My fair Queen had yet another need for my services. I, The Butcher of Blavikin, Was to take a contingent force of five thousand strong to Bamburg Castle, and hold off the ever advancing and powerful force of the House of Seasons, said thusly, "The Rose", in fear of it getting ever closer to the ultimate Power of Ages. Suffice to say, entire realms were in danger if we were to fail. If they could not be stopped, then all was lost.

In a desperate attempt to stop the fabled Rose of the House of Seasons, I had already absorbed all of Baron Stormhind's Blood-magic after I had executed him. Combined with my already formidble prowess of battle, Lowley men of lesser fortitude and even entire armies would have been laid waste by my hand.

During the battle, many enemies were overcome simply by the magic alone, without ever having to engage in the fight. Things were looking up, But it was not to be.

It, The Rose, was sent by its masters, the Seasons, to end our lives. The small remaing contingent force that remained could do little to stop it, a being of such power, with well over fifty-thousand in its ranks and such skill that entire worlds had been lain in waste before them.
Lesser men would have ran, knowing such atrocities had taken place. We were no such men, for we knew that if we were to fail, All was lost.

After a day of constant fighting, I had finally, dreadfully, met the Rose in battle. A storm had began falling, seemingly out of nowhere with the sky grey as ash.

It looked at me, then attacked. Such skill I had never seen before, A skill that out-matched my own. It bent back with agility and speed with a smirk on its twisted face. It went left, then feinted the right and kicked hard into my ribcage. I went on the offensive, Swinging my sword in a wide arc. The foe stepped back the tiniest bit, eluding the blade and smiled.

In fear, I parried the weaker blows to my right and evaded the the stronger blows to my left. Suddenly, pain. My left arm was useless... I dropped the sword to ready a spell, but not fast enough.

His sword raised in triumph.
Mollord 28 Oct, 2013 @ 10:45pm 
The_Vility 🥶🥶🥶 16 Oct, 2013 @ 6:09pm 
U mad bro?
Shox1k 16 Oct, 2013 @ 5:29pm 
Suck ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥))
LoliMeth 12 Feb, 2013 @ 5:20pm 
InsertFail 25 May, 2012 @ 8:50am 
Hey! I am all right! I ended up moving and didn't have my desktop for a while. I finally have everything sorted, though! (Actually I forgot my keyboard in storage and am having to use the on-screen on, ugh. It blows. This took three minutes to type. I'll have my keyboard tomorrow.)