Corrupted, Full of Idiots, Ignorant -->   Indonesia
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That one time i got VACation
So i have 4 family members that use steam 1 my brother, 1 my male idiot cousin, 1 girl cousin that play Dota 2, the last one is me. So me and my cousin contansly play CSGO but only my cousin that is addicted to have nice DIGITAL skins. So he got his items through gambling, opening case, use my accounts without my permission ( hijacked ), etc. So 1 day my moron of a cousin is REALLY addicted to skins and reaching " Global Elite " so he took the easy way ( HACKING ). A couple of weeks ago he LINKED his MOM PHONE to his CSGO Prime Account and he " ACCIDENTLY " LINKED his MOM PHONE to link to my accounts whitch is LINKED to my main, second, and BROTHER account. So after a day or two he got VAC Banned with his $200+ account, i got VAC BANNED cause he linked his account to my account which meaning ALL OF MY ACCOUNT and my BROTHER got VAC.
Thats the story how i VAC Banned 100% honest. I would link all of my 6 account but that would be too much work.

Its 2.39 Am what the ♥♥♥♥ am i doing

Here's the proof

Idiot Account

Brother account

My other account


( No ISLAMIC Terrorist Joke! )

I have move to my brother account till november

[updated] backup
🤟TF2.BET (Owner) 26 Jan, 2023 @ 7:58pm 
man can we sponsor you
BoatGoesBinted 10 Mar, 2018 @ 11:45pm 
hey you, yes you who's reading this either a friends or a stranger i welcome you to an old account that i perseonally cared but got hijacked. so click my profile to add WolfieHD / Neo ( which i now go with oNisho ).
Tac | 23 May, 2017 @ 1:08am 
FYI my brother's account cant be access cause DevinGYT stole / hijacked it
Bobo 15 Mar, 2017 @ 6:04pm 
Why do you grab yourself in the Right boob and your ♥♥♥♥?
UWU 20 Dec, 2016 @ 8:34am 
+rep :hanzopride:
cunt 19 Dec, 2016 @ 11:48pm 
who cyromano oh head?