Nymphie ♣ @World 5-3
Charlie   Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain)

I hate CSGO and Dota 2. Valve are ♥♥♥♥ and so is the community. Thank you.

My twitch stream. [twitch.tv]

Hacks I have:

VincentVega : stop this f2king cheater!!
NyaN : jack you cheater
NyaN : how jack how !!!! cheater
ricewolf7 : jack is a cheater...
♣♥Jack of all Trades♠♦ : next time try cloaking, bro
horneju | WTT>REFINED FOR KEYS : wallhack on now?
horneju | WTT>REFINED FOR KEYS : umad u need to turn cheats on?

♣♥Jack of all Trades♠♦ : lolol
*DEAD* HarmfulGravemind : so much aimbot.

daajack : jack is ze best
daajack : i sa
ok : lol jack is a deadly spy

Lul stuff:

♣♥Jack of all Trades♠♦: Yes we are... at night @_@

h44kje : jack of all " take a bow
♣♥Jack of all Trades♠♦ : :>
h44kje : yeah really "skilled" -_-

*DEAD* Ketku : Jaack sucks
Player Ketku left the game (Disconnect by user.)

sniperawesomeness : omg jack of trades needs to be baned he is a serois hacker

00:36 - ♣♥Jack of all Trades♠♦: i don't get hello's like this >.> slightly jealous...
00:37 - BurtonJ: its b/c your name is too l337 for me
00:41 - ♣♥Jack of all Trades♠♦: Burton was that reference to epic name related to mine? Also, inb4spam :D
00:41 - BurtonJ: indeed it was, with your ascii art and all :p

I am a happy bunny.

Hit the road, Jack.
Currently Online
King Fox 27 Jun, 2023 @ 1:13am 
+rep, super friendly, and if anyone deserves a pint is was you guys
Sewer Bimbo 8 May, 2023 @ 2:34pm 
+Rep Total war shogun 2 enjoyer, but also a good survivor
Busta 23 Mar, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
Quality survivor, knows how to have fun and just all around good gamer. Will loop you if you give them the chance
Wootang Da Mighty Boosh! |UKCS| 6 Jan, 2023 @ 9:46pm 
Ur still rockin' TF2!!!!!! Great stuff!. Was u a player back in the day too? UKCS?? Happy New Year BTW!
B 3 Jan, 2023 @ 7:51am 
Rexflame 14 Feb, 2022 @ 9:52am 
Sup! lets play CSGO in party