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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 21.2 hrs on record (20.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 5 Nov, 2015 @ 9:36pm

Great game if you like destruction derbies.

Awful game if you wanted anything resembling a racing game, be it sim or combat.
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Kaji 6 Nov, 2015 @ 9:42pm 
"If you can't win races it's because you suck." No, it's because a McLaren F1 isn't designed to be driving on bumpy-ass roads with rage-induced psychopaths for AI that try to run you off the road as if you're trying to bust a meth ring.
Double.Dose 6 Nov, 2015 @ 9:11pm 
Yeah, this game had severe flaws. I played for 5 hours and was like "NOPE."