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40.2 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
Disconnected from SERVER, DISCONNECTED FROM SERVER ... I Cant refund this after having played the free trial for 3 hours and decided to buy the game to play single player! What a scam DO NOT BUY THIS GAME if you have more then 2 hours of free trial. You cant get a refund because of STEAMS inability to separate this to Warzone, the single player requires CONSTANT INTERNET CONNECTION.

COD IS AIDS... for new players there is no skill based matchmaking YOU are at a disadvantage!! DO NOT BUY IT

UPDATE 2/4/23: Its so dull and generic with every game being a core grind, its so sweaty to play.
Posted 18 March, 2023. Last edited 1 April, 2023.
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0.7 hrs on record
Rest in Peace Yu Gi Oh 2022 where it literally became a 100% money slot machine to open booster pack P2W. I could spend $15 on an actual retail structure deck then open 10 booster packs.

Forget about the shadow realm, this game sent my mind into a shadow void waiting for the foe to make his 15 Minute move ...
Posted 19 January, 2022. Last edited 19 January, 2022.
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0.6 hrs on record
Yay Free Weekend 2021 with 34% off. You can instantly tell even the developers have no confidence in this title anymore with an initial sale a month after its release. I feel entiled to a refund although i havent purchased it, at least i made 30c selling the free steam card drops you get :P

For those hesitant on the game either as a battlefield veteran or any casual shooter i gave this game an attempt so you don't have do. Don't waste your internet downloading this supposed free weekend. If i were to describe it from my experience carrying from beta to here its basically.

- Running Simulator
- Dying Simulator
- Bug Simulator
- Tank Simulator
- Loading Simulator
- PTSD Simulator
- Paranoid UI Simulator
- WTF Simulator
- Hit Detection Simulator
- Spotting Simulator
- Terrible Soundtrack Simulator
- Bot Simulator

There are so many numerous backsets from the universal design of the games engine and the concepts behind the overall core game directions. Portal was lacklustre with the minimal content just to prove previous games had essential more favours then the base game itself. Play Halo infinite instead or sad for me to mention vanguard which has more redeeming value then this, unless you absolutely hate yourself and want an reasons to smash your peripherals.
Posted 16 December, 2021.
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16.3 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Awesome i will let you have my money we have Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn , Listen SONY Now Bring Ghost of Tsushima , God of War , The Last of Us and Spiderman to Steam and my life is 100% complete !!

Dont you dare make it an Epic Games Exclusive.....!! Your a sucker if your bought Days gone on EPS ....
Posted 17 May, 2021. Last edited 18 May, 2021.
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19.7 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Its agreed upon the original story is brilliantly written that left legacy in gaming history besides that if you dive deeply into this remake your would start to see it as a massive cash grab by hanger 13 incompetence and allowing their laziness to riddle with their so called DEFINITIVE edition.

Everyone seems to rate their experience due to NOSTALGIA and hype surrounding its graphical presentation , i owned the original on DISC when it first released in 2003 and i can assure you apart from the well written story there is nothing else comparable to the original . Its a remake filled with graphical glitches , inconsistant ai and cutscene scenarios not rendering freezing during the story which breaks the experience of the game . Don't even think about completing the racing match on classic difficulty because the whole thing is basically an ICE SKATE . The game is no doubt beautiful with its architecture but leaves an empty open world with nothing to explore a wasted opportunity given also there is no moments during the story where you're given freedom to leave the story sector. Most driving sequences are replaced with cutscenes , its great to focus on character development but it removes the emersion on gameplay .

Classic mode seems awfully rigged with the most inconsistencies starting with police patrols where you would rarely run into and certainly appear when your speeding over the limit , i dont know if its my build but all NPCs behave frankly the same. Some sectors of the map NPCs is heavily populated and some completely deserted , I encountered a few moments where NPCs just kept spawning on top of each other resulting in the game to reset itself.

There is a massive downsize to the original soundtrack where majority of the soundtrack is on constant repeat which gets overall repetitive .There needs to be side missions with world events and better attention to detail with NPC interactions which the ORIGINAL has and the DEFINITIVE edition doesn't . If you want REPLAYABILITY there is none after you completed the game , the free ride is absolute garbage and waste of time, i don't think i will launch it ever again since i already harvested everything this game has to offer . Hanger 13 100% doesnt care on gaming experience but making everything look graphically pleasing .

If you insist on buying it only when its on sale or bundled up in a trilogy ,the original aged graphically but not in gameplay , the remakes leaves much to be desired will definitely play that over this any day.

Thanks Hanger 13 with your CTR + V with Mafia III.
Posted 25 September, 2020. Last edited 3 October, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
18.6 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Alright look .. If you own Mafia 2 classic and got this upgrade free you have no right to complain because its free on 2Ks bit . Hey its a good refreshment to revisit this game after 9 years and its graphics is still impressive , its a remaster which means it will have the same problems for a remaster like Assassins creed 3 remastered , Bioshock remastered and Halo master chief collection . I wont really say the game looks any noticeably different to the original except certain lighting and weather effects .

Would recommend you to purchase the original game key from a 3rd party at a lower price to get the upgrade for free for just the Mafia II experience, even better to purchase the trilogy to have access to all three games if you have the money!! :)

Improvements and Additions

- Higher resolution HD texture pack (Obviously)
- All additional content for free for those owning the classic
- You get the classic if you purchase the definitive edition to avoid bugs and technical issues
- Access to new outfits, cars from the Mafia III
- Better quality player models

Graphical / Game Issues:

- Glitches such as aissing debris/particles from objects and buildings
- Where is the Apex PhysX option?
- Random stuttering issues
- Audio issues with distancing at certain areas
- Removed DLC outfits and vehicles
- Low resolution subtitles
- Why didnt they include the content that was cut from the original game
- Very unreliable benchmarking tool that detects your system but sets a low graphical preset
- Default 30 fps ? which can be tweaked with its launcher
- Crosshair appears at the top of the screen
- Cutscenes have blacked out textures
- Broken Physics with NPCS , you can cause them to glitch into buildings ( Fix Below )
- Sometimes the eyes of NPCS just appear bugged or dont appear at all
- Frozen police NPCS who remain stationary after giving up the pursuit
- 4k HUD elements are stretched
- This game will take 50gb which is 38gb bigger then the classic edition

Its the most common of the bugs in remasters so its no doubt they will affect game play hence you have the classic game option , but just take note as mentioned before its a free upgrade for you to re experience the game before the Mafia 2002 remake set to release August 28th 2020.

Personally Mafia 2002 has aged tremendously so its a obviously provide a nostalgic release hence it deserves a remake. Don't understand the reason behind people expect this game to be remade as well when it clearly still holds expectations graphically and story wise.

How to enable PhysX on Mafia II Mafia II: Definitive Edition

1. Go to Documents\My Games\Mafia II Definitive Edition\Data\profiles\<ProfileID>
2. Open " settings.xml "
3. Edit <Apex>0</Apex> to 1 or 2 (0=OFF 1=Med 2=High)
4. Save
5. Can enter the game to shoot the ground or glass Dude.
Posted 19 May, 2020. Last edited 20 May, 2020.
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18.9 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
I personally hate the new disney cannon in comparison to the old legends !! I really hope they make an expansion for this game as its highly addicting to further expand on cals story . If you put this in the storyline perspective your literally competiting with the force unleashed from 2008 and it stands out with a different style gameplay similar to sekiro instead of an overpowered hack and slash . You need careful planning and progression with your skill sets leveling up thru out your gameplay to survive so it will grind out some time but its all worth while .

You got me at this EA i has issues with you and i waited almost 5 months to purchased this , wished i done it sooner .I will accept this into my cannon universe (The sequel Trash never happened ) . !! As a star wars fans who has literally every comic publish by dark horse since 1996 , played every video game Kotor still the best and owned most of the great novels this is no doubt worth your time .

Pick it up when discounted or purchase at full price since the game is worth the complete amount !!
Posted 2 April, 2020. Last edited 2 April, 2020.
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41.5 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Pitchford you a son of a b*tch for insulting all us steam gamers , biggest f*ck you and to epic game store and in the end we held out for 6 months and it was worth it 100% .


The gunplay is no doubt superior over the previous installments , cant really say that to the story thought in comparison. The writing is terrible , antagonist is total cringe unskippable unfunny garbage. It lacks the humour from the previous games .Tbh grab the super deluxe edition for more value then purchasing the season pass individually while on 50% promotion.
Posted 14 March, 2020. Last edited 22 March, 2020.
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8 people found this review helpful
144.2 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
The game is by far one of the best for graphics ,Story is interesting so far with impressive game play but it still needs a fair bit of patches to optimize the game . Im running on a Ryzen 5 2600 with 16GB 3000 DDR4 and GTX 1070Ti with no SSD , getting a solid 60fps on ultra to high mix setting but it does drop at certain areas even at 1080p so be warned .

The Rock star launcher is the absolute worst thing ever , this game alone can stand on its feet like GTAV pre launcher . I just dont understand why they think its essential to have something that pisses players off . If its not launching for you make sure your game appears on Rock star launcher with the icon launch from steam .

Remove the launcher to compensate us for this horrific 1 month wait. Rock star you need to fix the random crashing in the game or else this will become a negative review in a months time.

If you have a high end build you might get some decent performances without skyrocketing temperatures . For low end gamer please stay away and probably purchase it after it gets some optimisation
Posted 5 December, 2019. Last edited 22 November, 2023.
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294.0 hrs on record (282.6 hrs at review time)
What a betrayal to your loyal total war fanbase , We given your past history have waited patiently and bought your overpriced DLC for your incomplete game so you can deliver the starting dates we all anticipated for .

After 2 years of grind and tolerance for broken mess instead of addressing the problems we get a confusing half explained controversial post that we are MOVING on , i dont care what it is for total war three kingdoms 2 or you completely abandoning the game you dont do this to your LOYAL community .

Its NAME is THREE KINGDOMS yet there isnt a THREE KINGDOMS start date !!

I dont play other genres that much anymore and focus solely on total war , seeing this makes me want to ditch yours games that i have supported in the past years knowing CA is different to other money hungry companies , i can accept buying your DLCs so you have enough funds to continue your project but this is outright betrayal . NO northern expansion , NO more fixes to breaking bugs , NO additional scenarios

I suspect that i have to buy another overpriced unfinished TW3K2 with ONE start date for $89.99 AUD again ... It makes me wish i can return to the EBgames launch day of Fall of the Samurai back where i paid $39.95 for a COMPLETE GAME no DLCs .

Long has the glory days of CA been lost . RIP TW3K with all your bugs and missing content ...
Thanks with no intentions of ever touching it again !!
Posted 23 May, 2019. Last edited 27 May, 2021.
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