DMC and Yakuza franchise enjoyer :silhouette: :Y0ChineseBroadsword:
The nicest DBD player you will ever meet [Deathslinger main]
Achievement Showcase
Artwork Showcase
That Special person
Review Showcase
51 Hours played
Not buying the soundtrack of this game it's a crime againest humanity

(my position is still there after 28 more hours)

update: i beat it no hit and now i love it even more
Completionist Showcase
Recent Activity
8.8 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
30 hrs on record
last played on 1 Dec
16.3 hrs on record
last played on 27 Nov
St3pRM_TTV 20 Mar @ 9:56pm 
ume 20 Mar @ 4:10pm 
Edging to your profile rn
ume 10 Feb @ 7:46pm 
St3pRM_TTV 10 Feb @ 7:45pm 
Is she acoustic?
ume 9 Feb @ 6:09pm 
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Joe Mama (derogatory) 14 Jan @ 9:01am 