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Nedávné recenze uživatele submissive & breedable elf boywi

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156.4 hodin celkem (103.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
i am a fictional egg's ♥♥♥♥♥

on a serious note, the ending was god tier and i feel vindicated
Odesláno 9. listopadu 2024. Naposledy upraveno 9. listopadu 2024.
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1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
141.9 hodin celkem (128.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
tl;dr favourite game of all time hands down but may need mods to truly be GOAT. vanilla is still great though.

ok i really should vomit out a review for the game that changed my life. warning for obvious bias but I'll try to add as many major flaws i can remember here.

+ Great character customization. IMO dialogue and the choices you could do let you roleplay a lot of characters of differing personalities or ideology. Skill/SPECIAL based speech checks are ring-a-ding, baby.
+ Interesting factions with the return of the reputation system, which is an improvement over only having the binary and kind of meaningless karma system from fo3 (which also gave a feeling of the game judging you for your decisions and left little room for interpretation). Do you support stability over personal freedoms? Do you prefer independance at all costs? Do you value prewar societal values and style of governance? What about prioritizing the advancement of mankind as a whole? Well you can be any of the above, have your actions reflect that, and still be 'good' or 'bad'--whatever that means--and have that affect your ending.
+ Companions are well-written, likeable and have good voice acting too. They comment often during your travels on locations, other NPCs and your own choices (before and after you make them). They also don't superficially like you or not depending on whether you pick some locks or fast travel naked (sorry fo4).
+ Overall, characters and factions generally have their own motivations/ambitions which you may choose to influence rather than just existing for the sake of it. Some of your influencing may have unforeseen but understandable consequences. Going the more violent 'eye-for-an-eye' route in Cass's personal quest ended up ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ over caravan supply routes for the NCR big time, regardless of whether you supported them.
+ Lots of quests with branching paths. Choices also would feel like they affect the story (thanks to the versatility of ending slides).
+ Lots of interesting lore and stories found in items and notes scattered in the environment. SMASH THAT MF F BUTTON TO PAY RESPECTS FOR THE REAL OG RANDALL CLARK OF ZION .
+ Find yourself falling in love with Mr. New Vegas' dulcet tones regardless of your sexual orientation.
- I'm biased so there's not much here but it does feel like there's a bit missing in the game and some factions--and choices in DLC--will seem to have less attention than others, hence feeling less developed and/or more one-dimensional. This is mostly for the Legion faction as there's an obvious imbalance on the amount of content in favor for an NCR aligned mailman. Besides making a Legion run less appealing, it also makes them seem more as black-and-white villains. You only really ever hear about Legion lands being more stable rather than really experiencing it.
- Companions were generally more biased against a specific faction as well which makes it even less appealing to try a Legion run . While it made sense in the lore for those characters, it would've been great to have at least one that represents each ideology presented in the main dilemma in the game, that is, deciding the fate of New Vegas and its inhabitants .
- should've been able to save benny. press F to pay respects.
- Environment may feel monotonous to some (though I personally love the desert aesthetic and Zion was amazing).

+ Also VATS is more balanced from fo3 and you aren't basically invincible during it anymore.
+ Perks and skills (why were they removed in fo4??) allow for interesting specific builds = also encourages replayability to try out different builds.
+ Traits also make a return, thank God. Though there aren't any traits that affect ALL denizens of the wasteland (rip jinxed which made for some funny situations and tons of critical misses from everyone).
+ Companions are better from fo3 gameplay wise too. No need to compete with followers for XP anymore and there's also unique perks for each of them which further differentiate them.
+ More guns that shoot differently rather than just being reskins.
+ Weapon customization is pretty varied (though may need to get the weapon DLCs).
+ Weapon durability is good and why was it removed in FO4 idk man
+ Hardcore mode, which is independent and isn't tied to a specific difficulty. Stimpacks heal over time and also encourages proper eating and sleep cycles (especially with mods that make nights really dark). Crippled limbs can't be healed by sleeping or stimpacks and require doctor's bags, specific chems or doctor's services.
+ You can kill pretty much everyone, except children. Whether this is good or bad is up to you but its a yes from me.
+ You can also NOT kill anyone but not if you side with House or the Legion. Raiders and old grannies will also still try to kill you and rob you so you'll have to run or depend on companions if you don't want to spill blood yourself .
+ Gambling is fun (when you have 10 luck).
+ Caravan.
- Caravan.
- Graphics are dated, even for its time. Also janky animations and character models.
- Gunplay is still mediocre at best and you'll probably still be using VATs in most confrontations to get battles over with unless you specifically force yourself not to(?).
- Bullet sponges at higher difficulties(?) May be immersion breaking when you and your enemy stand right in front of eachother and unload 20+ bullets into eachother's heads.
- Enemy AI not so complex(?) and will generally just rush you.
- Crashes a lot and bugs galore (?) as its still in the same extremely dated gamebryo engine.
- why can't i hold hands with joshua graham???? this is a glaring HUGE gameplay flaw thanks obsidian

I put (?) in some gameplay flaws because they've either been fixed or somewhat alleviated through mods and I honestly can't remember what it was like in its vanilla state. Besides graphical and gameplay fix mods, there's also mods that expand on lore either through additional quests or even companions, all of which just add so much to your fonv experience.

This game is already good in its vanilla state but for this flawed diamond to really truly shine you've gotta polish it with some good ol' mods. I suppose you could say the fun you get in this game depends on the effort you put into playing it--whether it be through roleplaying your character's personal moral convictions and ambitions, trying out crazy builds from complete non-violence pacifist to literal wasteland One Punch Man, exploring every single nook and cranny the Mojave has to offer or modding it till your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ laptop crashes to hell--and I just threw myself completely into it. Also the DLC is amazing god bless joshua graham and obsidian yo but seriously where's my domestic life with joshua graham dlc obsidian come on.
Odesláno 3. prosince 2017. Naposledy upraveno 3. prosince 2017.
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10 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
26.4 hodin celkem (17.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Hanzo's route on its own is worth every dollar. Best writing in a VN I've experienced so far and Tsuda Ken's voice acting is top notch as always. MC is strongest in this route as she discovers her own will to learn and survive while kicking ass. Hanzo also develops in tandem as MC grows. He seems like the heartless badass ninja trope stereotype at the beginning but as the route goes on it really shows how multi-dimensional his character is. There's believable build up in their relationship and growth despite the extraordinary circumstances they find themselves in. Music is good. Sprites are good. CGs are good. uhh yall mind if i hit that recommend ??

anyway best boy hanzo buy this game
Odesláno 6. července 2017.
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