Spoon - Magnificent Steiner
Alfred J. Kwak   Finland
"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault"
- Donald Trump, The God Emperror of Mankind

Profiledesign is created by yolokas [yolokas.deviantart.com] .
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It is not society that determines people's futures.
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Counter-Strike 2
MBektic 8 Nov, 2014 @ 8:25am 
Thank you for the fave on my p250 Skin!!!! means a lot to me!
Tell me, did you ever love me? 23 Sep, 2014 @ 11:56am 
Приятно слышать, что мои работы нравятся людям :tdealwithit:
EnCRYPt3D [PT] ifrezze 5 Jul, 2014 @ 4:59pm 
Ty, you are THE Vladimir
Spoon - Magnificent Steiner 7 Aug, 2013 @ 12:49am 
Not too much?:devilskiss:
drumandbassfan 6 Aug, 2013 @ 3:48pm 
A-ha-ha, nice joke, Vova!