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Posted: 11 Aug, 2024 @ 5:09pm

My buddy & I got No Man's Sky around 2 weeks ago, neither of us having played before or even really heard too too much about the game in recent years. We're both completely hooked now. We've been having a ton of fun for multiple hours every day since.

There is a "story" with quests that serve to deliver lore as well as guide you through learning mechanics & different aspects of the game however its Def not an "on the rails" type story game. You're not really locked into doing it if that makes sense. Some days we follow the story quests together, some days we just go off exploring or do bounties, gather resources, work on leveling up factions, go hunting for new ships or gear etc.

It's very much a choose your own adventure type sandbox in my opinion. Be a pirate or hunt pirates. Establish trade routes to make money leveraging buy/sell demand swings between different star systems or go to pirate controlled systems to buy black market goods to sell in regulated systems for big profit (can even get a device for your ship thatll counter ship scans from the authorities when carrying illegal goods). Learn alien languages to better communicate with the different races & level up your standing with each for discounts from their traders. Defend civilian ships from pirate attacks. Collect scrap from derelict freighter wrecks floating in space. Build bases with a huge number of parts. Whatever you feel like doing :emofdr:

Some days we do none of that n just fly from star system to star system exploring cool planets & coming up with creative names for all the previously undiscovered places & creatures we find. When you're the first player to discover star systems, planets, flora, fauna, or minerals in the universe for the first time you can rename them, upload it, & when other players find it later they'll see your custom name along with discovered by "YOURNAMEHERE", X amount of time ago.

There's a borderline overwhelming amount of content & we're still learning / finding new mechanics every day. I wrote this game off many years ago due to all the bad press around its release but its now easily one of my all time fav games, same for my buddy. Would Def say it's worth checking out!
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