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1 person found this review helpful
3.2 hrs on record
Its funny how there is an official rip offs for devolver games
8 games, 2 of them are for 2 people
they are pretty fun arcade games
I would love to make an arcade cab for this game, It would be awesome
also I love the funny achievements like the open menu 1000 times
I enjoyed it, would be fun to play with friends (local) and try to beat each others highscore
Also the movements are like arcade style games, they are annoying sometimes, but it's still fun

Rating 6/10
Enjoyment 5/10
Posted 14 March.
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6.5 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
this game is AWESOME
A really simple game about hexagon (and sometimes pentagon and square/quadrilateral) with a really simple control which is 2 buttons, left & right/a & d/M1 & M2
I knew this game when i was smol, got a pirated version on my phone, played it a lil bit then uninstalled it, fast forward to last year i remembered about this game and I was on a spending spree, looking for games to 100%
I bought it, did not play it until this month (march 2025), and when staring my journey in this game, I thought it was going to be so annoying like my experience with project rhombus, I hated it, but
This game proved me wrong, this game was annoying to play when I hit the 0,6 hours playtime and stopped my first session, then started my second session, it was around 11 PM on a friday, I was free to stay up late, and let me tell you, I now have a new favourite activity to do, listening to albums while playing super hexagon. I don't know why, but my brain picked up and understand lyrics on songs so much more then usual, it's very relaxing, and I found new artist I love (some albums I listen to: good kid m.A.A.d city, the worst album ever, butterfly, etc.). Now, I did have to focus to get the achievements, (shout out to a guide, I cannot find it but it goes lie "how to get good/better at super hexagon, it have awesome tips, I remember one of them is to not blink, which I think its funny but you can blink and still be good dw) 2/6 achievement I had to play in complete silent, I really locked in atm, my brother told me I looked like I was in some polybius focus typeshit. But the other achievements I listen to songs and one achievement (the hyper hexagonest one) to a documentary/podcast (?). Also the game edge me 3 times, I died at 55s-59s in 3 difficulty, one of them was 59.51s :despair:, but it is what it is lmao. Lastly, this game is so addicting, but not as addicting as coke (i think, idk I never drink coke), I can't stop playing everytime I'm in a session over 10 minutes.
That's the end of my review, I really love this game, and will keep playing it
took me 6.4 hours to 100%
If you're hesitant to buy this game, BUY IT, it's good and you 'might' enjoy it cause I sure did (unless you have epilepsy, if you do DON'T BUY IT)
Also this game is pretty much practice to pattern recognition, reaction time, and focus-ness (?)

Rating 7.7/10
Enjoyment 8.2/10
Posted 13 March.
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1 person found this review helpful
9.7 hrs on record
Ima be real
This review is a perspective from a high skill ceiling player (well I consider myself to be good enough to be considered high skill ceiling player) since I have over 350+ hours on VSRG (Vertical Scrolling Rhythm Game)
(and also a completionist)

You should play this game if you want to have the experience from games like DJmax respect, o2jam, and many other, this game is good for it's price
some pros about this game is, it's newbie friendly (but no tutorial), their achievement are very accessible for almost everyone (at least if you have rhythm), grade rating are merciful, game is pretty cheap, and that's pretty much it (at least what i can think of rn lol)
but the cons about this game..
There are 3 difficulties in the game, EZ (Easy), HD (Hard), IN (Inferno), and for the base game (50+ songs), A LOT of the songs doesn't have the IN difficulty, so for people that are intermediate to advance players that plays IN diff, they don't get a lot of chart to play, unless if you play the HD diff, which all songs have chart for, but sometimes people are lazy, and because of that the achievements in this game (there are achievement for playing all the songs) that makes people that are already pretty good at VSRG become so bored because they have to play easier chart, that people include me, I literary learnt how to multitask to play a rhythm game while also watching a video (practicing to read twitch chat while playing guitar hero type ♥♥♥♥). Also the achievements in this game (well for steam at least) are buggy as hell, I would have gotten 100% achievement at hour 8 of playtime, I spent an extra hour because I was trying to make the game trigger the achievement. Also it have the same concept like muse dash, which you have to buy dlc for more songs (which is understandable because the game is pretty cheap, but still) but imo it's not a big of a deal but it's still a con imo. And very limited settings.
I think that's all i can think of for now, I probably have more complaints but i kind of forgor lmao, but you may be wondering, why I complain al ot but still recommend the game ? Because, as I said before, this is MY experience of this game, but if I was just a casual player with like the basic of skill in rhythm game/vsrg I probably would like this game. So if you're hesitant to buy it or not, go ahead no one is stopping you, but if you still want to play this type of game (VSRG) but you don't want to pay of it, go play other vsrg, I recommend Osu!Mania to try, if you like it you can get better ! or if you want a free steam vsrg, go play Quaver, it's almost the same as Osu!Mania.
Conclusion, Good but can be better

Rating 6.2/10
Enjoyment 4/10
Posted 1 March.
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6.1 hrs on record
Fun and cute ! (if you like sudoku lol)
good game to introduce how sudoku works, but its not all too beginner friendly (also you could just learn it by playing a sudoku website game lmao)
Challenging to 100% without cheat, also it's sometimes an eye sore
Rating 6/10
Enjoyment 5.5/10
Posted 26 February.
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3.0 hrs on record
Really cozy game
I really liked the artwork and ost in this game
the vibe is also really relaxing
If you are a completionist, this game could be a break from doing other harder games
W game, first 100% game in 2025 :)

Rating 6.7/10
Enjoyment 7.7/10
Posted 14 February.
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23.1 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
I caught a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kissing lincon penny

Posted 27 November, 2024.
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11.5 hrs on record
This review have some slight spoilers, so if you haven't played this game or the original version (don't know the story), GO PLAY IT FIRST BEFORE READING THIS REVIEW ! (including the "other" review)

Well, this is it...
What a game, I will forever love this game this is my top 10 games of all time and it will always be in my top 10 games. I played the original One Shot and I loved it, now i played this it's like a hit of nostalgia even tho it only have been 1 year. Since I look for EVERY detail on this game not like when I played the og One Shot, the game hit me harder then before, especially in the "other" ending I cried on that playthrough, not like the og One Shot I didn't cried back then (I'm weird back then), so yeah. I have 1 issue tho, I missed the og One Shot where is actually use your Operating System for communicating with the player, rather then using a fake Operating System which is "The World Machine" but it is understandable for the 4 new achievement in this game, I mean, I'm not complaining tho, 40% of the playtime I have was just afk using the fake Operating System of using the music app, friends app, gallery app, and wallpaper app. Also I like how you can customize the Operating System theme so you can make it cozy. But yeah I still love this game, really like the skip cutscene feature (I didn't use this feature for my first playthrough, but I used it for my second playthrough to get the other collectables) and some other new features. I'd say if you have played the og One Shot, it's gonna be worth it to play the WME if you haven't played it for a long time (maybe 1+ year), but if you have played it recently, maybe not... cause you're not missing anything new from the story. Also if you're planning to 100% the game you have to do the "other" ending so that's good cause alot of people that played One Shot have never discovered the "other" ending. So yeah

Review: 10/10
Enjoyment: 11/10
Niko rating: Niko/10 (alula & calamus approved!)
Posted 10 November, 2024. Last edited 12 November, 2024.
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4.9 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
I think I unlocked a new phobia /j

Game is really beautiful, but the story is kinda confusing, this game is surprisingly a puzzle game, and it's really challenging! (atleast imo)
This game isn't really that horror, you pretty much gotta do puzzle and when you dont do puzzle, you just press d and wait until you have to jump or grab lol
Fun puzzle, kind of disturbing game

Rating 7/10
Enjoyment 6/10
Posted 9 July, 2024.
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6 people found this review helpful
4.3 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Good for training undertale undyne ex no hit, but just dont buy the game
if you plan to 100%, its so painful i hate every second of it.
I took WAYYY to long just for 4 minutes, 4 HOURS is insane.
go get the free version, dont buy the game

Rating 3/10
Enjoyment 1/10
Posted 9 July, 2024.
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5.3 hrs on record
you want to try gd 2.2 platformer mode ? Well now you can !

this game have simple movement, the only unique movement one is wall jumping, but there are kind of a lot of unique obstacle for lvls.
this game is not hard, i would say this game is pretty easy and also is very consistent (except lvl 8 (dlc)). Its pretty fun ngl, the only time I got frustrated is at lvl 8 bc I realized the game gravity physic is really scuffed.
took me 5 hours to 100% game and achievements, it's a fun platformer game, it can be challenging if you try to 100% the game (10 achievements without dlc, and 27 achievement with dlc). Also the 'Beats' part of this game is pretty useless ngl, its just platform disapearing, moving, rotating, and spikes zooming in and out on a beat. And also the music got desync with the obstacle on the 8th lvl when i played, but maybe thats because of unstable fps.
If you are bored and have time to kill, you should play this game

Rating 7/10
Enjoyment 7/10
Posted 28 June, 2024.
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