醤油   Japan
簡単に言うと、ダメなんです。本当に、マスタードのない世界というのは、意味がないんです。考えてみてください...他に鼻腔の隙間を埋めるものがありますか?これほど多彩な味を提供するものが他にあるだろうか?マスタードは常に、この地球上で最も美しいものである。マスタードは常に宇宙で最も美味なものであろう。確かに、マスタードだけでは疑問の残るおいしさだ。しかし、マスタードは単独では機能せず、他の少ない味を増幅させなければならない。マスタードを食べないと言う人も、自分を騙しているだけなのだ。ホメオパシーを覚えていますか?まあ、かなり多くのものがホメオパシー的にマスタードに汚染されていて、マスタードが彼らの食べ物を偉大にしたんだ。ドナルド・トランプは、自分がアメリカを再び偉大にすることができると考えている。いや、彼一人では無理だ。でもマスタードならできる。私たちは壁を作るべきではありません。壮大なマスタードの滝を作るべきなのです。ナイアガラの滝?マスタードの滝はどうだ?マスタードを再び偉大にする唯一の方法です 科学的に証明されています 正確に0対照試験で査読付き雑誌に掲載されています なぜこれがアメリカを再び偉大にするのでしょうか?想像してみてください、どんなつまらないサンドイッチでも、外に置くだけで、マスタードをまぶすことができるとしたら。そうです、私たちはマスタードの雨を降らせようとしているのです。全世界が一段とスパイシーになる。味気ないサンドイッチがまた食べられるようになる。まともなサンドイッチは、心を揺さぶるだろう。生産性は10,000%アップし、人生への情熱も高まる。韓国と北朝鮮は再び友好的になる。イスラエル人とパレスチナ人は殺し合うのをやめるだろう。その代わりに、マスタードを愛することに喜びを見出すだろう。つまり、マスタードはこの世界を結びつけるだけでなく、この世界が抱えるすべての問題を解決してくれるのだ。

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Letter to the user kyle627
I couldn't help but notice on your myanimelist you listed Sword Art Online as one of your favorite anime and I have to say I don't really quite understand how people like you can even consider yourself a true anime fan. You are tainting your mind with such an inferior show, I cannot help but reconsider my short correspondence with you, for I used to think you were someone with above average taste in anime at best, but now I see that I was mistaken. However, it is not too late, I can still recommend you a better series than that garbage show. I only pick the best anime and I'm quite flexible with genre, ranging from dark and psychological to even the occasional slice of life if time permits. I am certain once you step past that veil of mediocrity, you will be as I am because seriously, swort art online is such a trashy show, I can't believe you watch things like that, LOL. I like shows that make me THINK, stuff like Psycho Pass, which you probably never even heard of, you probably watch moe trash like K-ON LOL but yeah, Sword Art Online literally ends up catering to fan service near the end. The beginning had a lot of potential but the plot just falls through and the characters are just vapid and unrealistic like you are. I'll link you to my anime list so you can see what true anime viewers should be watching, not stuff the industry peddles out to pander to people who couldn't tell the difference between a masterpiece and a cash grabbing, soulless show that succeeds in targetting people like you. I only pray that I've caused a strong enough intervention so that you can experience what good anime is actually supposed to be like. Seriouisly, Sword Art Online is SO overhyped and there are so many other superior shows out there, I really don't get how it got so popular. I'm beginning to think all my friends just have bad taste - am I the only one around here who appreciates good anime? I mean, come on.
Nero 15 Dec, 2022 @ 7:07pm 
The idea of a world without mustard doesn't even make sense. Think about it... what else would fill the nasally void? What else provides such versatile flavor? Mustard has always been the most beautiful thing on this entire planet. Mustard will always be the most tasty thing in the universe. Sure, mustard alone is questionably tasty. But mustard doesn't work alone, must amplifies other lesser flavors. Even those who claim they don't eat mustard are just fooling themselves. Remember homeopathy? Well, pretty much everything is homeopathically contaminated with mustard, and mustard has brought their food greatness. Donald Trump thinks he can make America great again. No, he alone cannot. But mustard can.
Nero 15 Dec, 2022 @ 7:07pm 
We should not build a wall. We should build a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mustard waterfall. Niagara Falls? How about Mustard Falls? This is the only way to make mustard great again, scientifically proven in exactly 0 controlled trials, in eπi +1 peer reviewed journals. Why would this make America great again? Imagine if you could take any boring sandwich and slather it in mustard just by putting it outside. That's right, we're going to make mustard rain. The whole world would be spiced up a notch. Bland sandwiches would be edible again. Decent sandwiches would be mindblowing. Productivity would skyrocket a whopping 10,000% with all the newfound enthusiasm for life. South Korea and North Korea would be friends again. Israelis and Palestinians would stop killing each other. Instead, they would all revel in their love of mustard. Long story short, mustard not only binds this world together, but is the solution for all of this world's problems.
Tyrone 30 May, 2016 @ 3:24pm 
u offend me as a vegan transgender atheist who vapes and crossfits 4 times a week and im also a male feminist as I identify myself as a pastafarian apache helicopter dog mega multi combo god of hyper death and if you dont agree with me You're an ignorant arrogant globaphobic sexist lesbian
Zoobooks 10 May, 2015 @ 10:03pm 
+rep nice and quick trader!