Emperor of Mankind   Gwent, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Sow an act, and you reap a habit.
sow a habit, and you reap a character.
sow a character, and you reap a destiny.

I'm an ex-anarchist, Marxist, at least until I get psyker powers and can fix this nightmare world somehow.

I've read The Culture, written by Iain Banks, and I think the Minds are the way to go. Their largest faults are our greatest achievements.

Always up for a political debate, and always looking to discuss topics with people. Preferably left-wing, though.

I'm only ironic half the time, only I don't know which half it is. Sorry.


"Stilgar," Paul said, "you urgently need a sense of balance which can come only from an understanding of long-term effects. What little information we have about the old times, the pittance of data which the Butlerians left us, Korba has brought it for you. Start with the Genghis Khan."

"Ghengis... Khan? Was he of the Sardaukar, m'Lord?"

"Oh, long before that. He killed... perhaps four million."

"He must've had formidable weaponry to kill that many, Sire. Lasbeams, perhaps, or..."

"He didn't kill them himself, Stil. He killed the way I kill, by sending out his legions. There's another emperor I want you to note in passing - a Hitler. He killed more than six million. Pretty good for those days."

"Killed... by his legions?" Stilgar asked.


"Not very impressive statistics, m'Lord."

"Very good, Stil." Paul glanced at the reels in Korba's hands. Korba stood with them as though he wished he could drop them and flee. "Statistics: at a conservative estimate, I've killed sixty-one billion, sterilized ninety planets, completely demoralized five hundred others. I've wiped out the followers of forty religions which had existed since - "

"Unbelievers!" Korba protested. "Unbelievers all!"

"No," Paul said. "Believers."

"My Liege makes a joke," Korba said, voice trembling. "The Jihad has brought ten thousand worlds into the shining light of - "

"Into the darkness," Paul said. "We'll be a hundred generations recovering from Muad'dib's Jihad. I find it hard to imagine that anyone will ever surpass this." A barking laugh erupted from his throat.

"What amuses Muad'dib?" Stilgar asked.

"I am not amused. I merely had a sudden vision of the Emperor Hitler saying something similar. No doubt he did."


You wear a collar. You are a servant. You've sold Fremen for their water. You have no immortality.
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Created by - Pentigrass, CynicalToaster, and JohanNO
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Hello there. This is my first ever guide. This is because other games command a great deal of my already expansive intellect for me to understand them. Fortunately, you are likely stupid enough to invest more money into Paradox under the blind assumption t
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"Words can Kill." - Skullface, the best thing about MGS5
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Favourite quotes from various media
How long can I fight amidst this bloody vortex of a battlefield? How long, I wonder?"
How long can I continue to protect what I love amidst this endless war? How long, I wonder?"
How long can I continue to believe in a world laden with deceit and folly? How long, I wonder?"
How long can I lie to myself as I despair at the dark future of this world? How long, I wonder?"
- Nier Automata


"I will not be felled by a beast,' Archaon snarled, his voice carrying over the clamour of battle. He surged to his feet, even as Grimgor reached him. 'I am Archaon, and I am the end made flesh.' he shouted. 'What say you to that, animal?"
"Grimgor says shut up and die,' the Orc roared." - Warhammer End Times.


'I can't wait to be a loyal servant of the Emperor.'
'You idiot, we're inside a Farseer's throat' - Primarch Gulliman's... You know what.


“There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them." - Grand Admiral Thrawn.


"The power to destroy something is absolute control over it." - Emperor Paul Muad'Dib, Dune


Stannis: "I know the cost! Last night, gazing into that hearth, I saw things in the flames as well. I saw a king, a crown of fire on his brows, burning ... burning, Davos. His own crown consumed his flesh and turned him into ash. Do you think I need Melisandre to tell me what that means? Or you? If Joffrey should die ... what is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?"

Davos: "Everything." - A Storm of Swords (Game of Thrones)


"Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus"

- Let Justice be done, though the whole world may perish.


"I detest trickery. But when we ourselves suffer deception, our hands are no longer tied."

- The Changeling/Clara


“You don't have to be insane to kill someone. You just have to think you're right.” - Yoko Taro


"Hate is a place where a man who can't sadness goes." - Kentaro Miura


"It's just sometimes you feel, all too poignantly, that your life is over. You're not even thirty but you're done. Not dead, but burnt through... and there's nothing ahead for you." - Lara Ravel, Pathologic


“He who has enough courage and patience to stare into the darkness for his entire life, shall be the first to see the flash of light” - Dmitry Glukhovsky
Shard of Manus 15 Jul, 2016 @ 8:21am 
Total scrub, and a noob at GTA V.
mursu 19 Jul, 2013 @ 5:08pm 