Nikko   United States
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Skeeter 23 feb, ore 22:49 
pichu neh
Mik 23 feb, ore 3:38 
UwU hey there, m’kitten… so, I know we’ve been grinding Roblox obbies and clutching in Valorant together for a while now, and I just wanna say… you’re my ultimate duo, no cap. 🥺 Like, when you told me you’re actually a guy, I was like, “Wait, what?!” but then I realized… it doesn’t even matter because your soul is 100% waifu material. UwU

I mean, you’re the Reyna to my Sage, the bacon to my eggs, the noob to my pro… okay, that last one didn’t land, but you get it! blushes furiously I just… I really like you, okay? Like, I’d let you loot my legendary items in Roblox and peek mid for you in Valo any day. 🥺

So, uh, what do you say? Wanna be my player 2… for life? hides behind cat-ear headset UwU rawr xD

Yours cringily but sincerely,
Your future carry (and maybe bf?) 💕
Mik 23 feb, ore 3:35 
Hey m’lady, did you know ducks have corkscrew-shaped members? Nature’s way of saying “twist and shout!” But don’t worry, I’m not here to quack you up… unless you’re into that? awkward chuckle

Octopuses have three hearts, but I only have one, and it’s all yours, m’kitten. tips hat Bananas are berries, strawberries aren’t, and you’re the sweetest surprise of all. If you were a duck, you’d already have me all twisted up. cringes

Wanna grab coffee? I’ll only quote Lord of the Rings five times. Promise. fumbles with pocket protector

Yours awkwardly,
Sir Tips-a-Lot 🎩
Mik 23 feb, ore 2:17 
I loathe a man that chooses a side, but you.. you chose mine. I never asked to be taken care of. To be cradled by your juicy and tall 5 foot 4 slender self. BUT I WAS!! AND WE CRIED TOGETHER!! AND I"LL ALWAYS REMEMBER IT!!!! so don't. don't EVER tell me you forgot about me. It's too much for my heart to handle.

+rep has a fat c o c k
Lil foamie 29 dic 2022, ore 17:33 
Mik 27 ott 2022, ore 19:36 
Second grade survival guide:

• second grade gets HARD. Stay on top of all your homework.

• in sexond grade you learn the hard $hit. Multiplication is no joke. may b get a tutor

• grammer and speling will kill you so practiece a lot

• dronk water

• study 40 hours a day

• dating gets real. this is the grade to get a serious boy/girlfriend. this isn’t 1st grade anymore. cooties aren’t a thing anymore.

• if u get a bad grade punch ur teacher in their crotch!

• 99.99% of people lose their virginity in 2nd grade. don’t get left behind

• girls: no more shopping at justice or baby gap anymore. shop at the real stores now. Like Victoria secret and brandy Melville

• guys: wear heelies to get all the hoes

• you should defiantly know where you wanna go to college at this point

• take all ap classes

• $hit your pants on the first day of school to assert your dominance