Murder Machine
Skeleton #1496   Salem, Oregon, United States
:skulls::bones::scull::tootz::nisha::elite::codskull::oneshotonekill::ccskull::skullsign::DLskull::bonehead::dsmagic::death::mortis::f1_skull::f2_skull::mojito::antipiracy::crossbones::gassed::kill::yorick::DJSkully::krskull::deadskull::log_skull::black::skullz::pixeldead::HEALTHFUL::crybaby::jawdropping::lovelovelove::pjskull::deaths::pirate::hskull::deadhead::splitskull::risen2skull::deal::salty::umad::sniperskull::evilskull::spg2skull::cranium::died::boneleton::stoss::slayer::summerskull: I AM THE SKELETON MASTER
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Screenshot Showcase
Look at this fresh hell I have unleashed
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Review Showcase
46 Hours played
This is not a drill. This is one of the most complex games ever created. It's hard to call it a game when you start to understand it at a deeper level. This is a Fantasy World Generator/Simulator, which doesn't fit neatly into the box of many of its contemporaries that came after it. This is the game that inspired Minecraft. This is the game that inspired Infiniminer. All rivers flow from one source and this is that source. Are you looking for a fantasy war simulator where you take on huge sieges at your own base? This is that game. Are you looking to create a peaceful utopia where all the games races and peoples can come together to drink and be merry? This is that game. Are you looking for a game where the world you exist in has thousands of years of recorded, readable, discernible history that you can read from start to finish? This is that game. Each world you generate can be any of the above, or more. Want a fort designed around just selling musical instruments? Done. Want to focus a fort on living aboveground instead of underground, building on the surface a more human-style fortress with walls and gates and bridges? This. Is. That. Game.
Murder Machine 6 May, 2024 @ 9:50pm 
This is the kind of content I want on my profile, not people like Bothis.
VoLowe 6 May, 2024 @ 9:39pm 
looks like the only thing issac be his fiber diet.. get it... haha.. poop...
Zelda's Hairy Box 7 Aug, 2021 @ 4:51pm 
I bet it isn't.
Bothis 7 Aug, 2021 @ 4:25pm 
add me, its important
✿.ۣDooDoo♥SpRaNkLeS.ۣ✿ 15 Jun, 2021 @ 2:59am 
Murder Machine 4 Jun, 2021 @ 11:34am 
Naw mate, ♥♥♥♥ off ♥♥♥♥