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41-50/63개 항목을 표시 중
2명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 1.9시간
Doom 2016 came out with a bang. It had the high adrenaline action of the originals, while remaining true to the push forward and slaughter nature of the originals. It was clean cut, and to the point. The world was vibrant, and there was a TON to explore.
In Doom Eternal, I feel like they bloated my inventory with gadgets I never used. The abilities are equally hit or miss, but mostly miss since there are clearly a few runes and a few upgrades for Doom Slayer that are far more useful than the rest. It feels bloated, and as a result it feels pointless. Like ID was trying to find a reason to pas out the game time with useless collectibles.
They interrupted the slaughter and puzzles (if you could call them that) with cutscenes. The levels are gorgeous, but linear. The secrets are bare minimum, and exploration is non existent.
It has a similar problem to Doom 2016, where it feels like the action is separated by linear hallways leading to an arena of sorts, but here it's even more pronounced to the point that there's a literal indicator on the map of where the shooter arena is.
Ammo is limited, and while Doom Slayer can carry power cells and giant energy balls things, he can't seem to carry more than 16 buckshot at one time? Doesn't he have pockets? Ammo is limited, and you punch like a little girl half the time. It makes you feel weak, and powerless without the crutch of your guns.
The pistol was removed, which people like because who used that piece of junk? I did, because it's one of the most useful utilities in the game for taking out the creeps. No need to waste precious ammo on the minor demons, just charge up a shot and killmove them. Without it, once you're out of ammo you're kind of at the mercy of your chainsaw (which also has ammo) and your weak ass melee attacks.
The story is pretty good, but I wish the game maintained the First Person Perspective instead of trying to be like Halo or Doom 3. We don't need to see the Doom Slayer's face, because as far as the game's concerned, WE, the players, are the Doom Slayer, and the Doom Slayer is NOT Master Chief.

- Fast gameplay makes for an adrenaline packed game
- Environments are beautiful. A lot of love was put into them
- Guns feels powerful

- Doom Slayer feels like a child without his precious weapons. No wonder Earth was taken over by demons if HE is their savior...
- Gameplay is often interrupted with lackluster platforming and scripted scenes galore.
- Environments are quite linear, as if the devs just wanted you to push through with the game instead of actually admiring the scenery.
- Similar demon types to Doom 2016 so far. Nothing's really new in that regard except the spider demon thing.
- Very buggy. I had a few Caco Demons get stuck behind a force field that I could kill me, and did, because I couldn't shoot back. It happened a few times with other enemies, and the arena-styled level design forces you to kill those demons... which you can't... Because they're bugged. Loading a checkpoint works but it seems like a fairly simple thing to overlook.
- Poor level design. The levels are often NOT backtrack friendly. I've gotten stuck many times in certain areas due to behind able to go back to an area, but the door or elevator was locked. Loading a checkpoint just loaded me back into that room/platform.

All in all, there's something for you to like I'm sure. Me, I will go back to Doom 2016 and refund this game sadly. When it's on sale, I'll pick it up again. Until then, Best of Luck Demon Slayers.
2020년 3월 20일에 게시되었습니다.
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21명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 414.6시간 (평가 당시 387.2시간)
Obligatory review bomb for selling a 6 year old game for the same price as their most recent Total War game.
60 dollars for a game that launched as a buggy mess that took over 4 years of updates to make playable? Please. Half of the game's quality is the modding community.
Are they trying to chase people away into buying keys from G2A?
2019년 9월 26일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 703.4시간 (평가 당시 672.9시간)
Wonderful game, I genuinely enjoy it.

The gui is one of the best of the series. It's clean, and simple. No flashy graphics, but it still remains beautiful.

The music is very aesthetically pleasing. I often find myself humming along to Cherry Blossom.

The action is the best in the series. It is clean and simple, but with room for advanced maneuvers and tactics (such as positioning matchlock soldiers in rows on hills to increase the amount of lead being fired down field.) The horses tend to be a bit... weird for me. They'll go do whatever the hell they want, regardless of order or stance.

The naval battles: Still wack. It's better than Empire and Rome 2, but still really ♥♥♥♥. The AI rarely ever misses a volley on my ships (in FotS). The AI ships also rarely retreat. Meanwhile, the moment one of my crew trips over a bucket, I'm down to just a gunboat even if I outnumber the enemy.

The campaign map is fairly solid. It's gorgeous, and the layout of the roads and towns leads to some great ambush potential.

My only gripe is the AI. It goes from really stupid to Big Brain Time randomly. The harder difficulties only increase in difficulty by literally boosting the damage, economy, and attributes of the enemy which is pretty cheap. It's fine if you can overlook that aspect, but it feels like if I lose, it's far beyond my control so what's really the point? One false move and you can lose in two turns within a year.
Also, I hate navy battles.
2019년 7월 31일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 15.1시간 (평가 당시 5.3시간)
Doom has always been a staple in how to make a good FPS game that is engaging. Doom 3 showed us that Doom can be a great story driven, horror game as well. It pretty much set the bar for FPS horror games at the time.
Doom (2016) redefines its predessessors by going "Let's do both, and do them really well."

The action is consistent, but not overwhelming. There are brief moments of reprieve so that the player can catch the breath. The game has a great pattern of having Action, Gory set pieces, Story, then more action. Everything flows well, and once you learn the enemy movements, you genuinely begin to feel like a badass.

The gameplay reminds me more of Quake or Unreal than Doom, with agility and precision far more apparent than brute force. Especially in the harder difficulties. Sure, a chainsaw can mow down the enemy, but you risk losing your precious armor and health before a big boss fight. So there is a bit of resource management.

I rarely experience any framerate drops, or choppy textures. The movement is fluid, and the gunplay is what you'd expect from a current generation shooter game. It excels at all of it.

I feel like even if you don't like the setting or gore, there's something to be said for the story, and the theme of humans-doing-stupid-♥♥♥♥ that leaves a very prominent message in the back of my mind as I play it. Who thought this was a good idea?

Lastly, the soundtrack. It's fantastic, and the way it adapts to the current situation really makes it feel like you're the director of the hellscape. You begin to synchronize your actions to the music, and then you realize that the music is what is adapting itself to you.
2019년 6월 29일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 34.9시간 (평가 당시 11.8시간)
Many years ago, 10 year old me experienced the horror that was Resident Evil 2. I'd pop the game into my playstation at 12 at night while my mother was asleep to experience Zombie-filled halls, rather limited ammo supplies, and really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ controls. That made for a very fun, albeit frustrating, experience. I never managed to beat the game, as my saves got corrupt and I didn't feel like doing a second run.

Years later, and here I am at 1:30 at night after just beating the first run in about 8 hours as Leon. The experience is just as rewarding, without the janky controls and graphics that make my eyes sore. To say that this game is great is a simple way to describe my feelings. The game is great, however it does have its issues.
Mr. X, while easy to deal with, is more of an inconvenience than a real threat. He tends to teleport, which ruins the immersion, and his persistence has let to some buggy situations where I'd get stuck in a save room because his fat body keeps blocking the door.
Another issue is how killing/injuring zombies work. Headshots and kneeshots are VERY inconsistent. One minute, you could pop a zombie's head off with a single bullet, the next you gotta empty a mag into its leg before it splinters. It makes zombies feel like ammo-dump roulettes. Will I get lucky and kill this lurker? Or do I end up wasting a clip of precious ammo in order to proceed? It feels like a false sense of challenge which really only extends playtime enough to pass 7 hours as most of my time was spent luring zombies and Mr. T around so I can do what I need to do. It is far better in this than in the original RE2, but it's still frustrating and uninspired. The issue is less prevalent during the mid-late game, but man does it grind progress to a halt in the first quarter.

That being said, this is a VERY atmospheric game, with excellent graphics and really good story. It's modified from the original script, but I don't mind it.
Overall, I give the game a 9/10.
2019년 3월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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13명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 200.8시간 (평가 당시 105.5시간)
The summation of my feelings for this game is akin to the feelings that were felt when (spoilers) Frodo fails to throw the ring into Mount Doom, and the face Sam makes afterward. You go through this wonderful journey of playing one of the best city simulator games since Sim City 4, but the more you go, the more corrupt they get. Eventually, you realize you've lost them forever.

This game is honestly one of my favorites. I do not own any of the DLC that runs at about 15 bucks on average, and even then it's still a fairly competent game.
However, as you play the base game you realize that many of the quality of life features aren't available, and your options are limited greatly. A lack of proper infrastructure options or settings, the lack of public transport options, entertainment options besides a couple parks and a basketball court... It's all missing or very limited. That's due to the DLC that's been dropping. Transportation options are locked behind a 13 dollar paywall, and it doesn't even contain most of the transportation options that could be available. You have to buy three DLCs in order to get Trams, decent train architecture, Taxi's, and Ferries. Those are all under the umbrella of transportation, but nah. Separate DLC.

It wouldn't be a big deal, but the base game is 30 dollars, and the DLC that matters all cost over 10. That's about a hundred bucks for the whole game. While it goes on sale often, the DLC only generally drops 40%, which means it is still around 8 bucks to buy each one.
As a result, I cannot support the game, or Paradox in general. I love their games, and I even purchased their latest DLC of Crusaders II because it did add interesting features. However, the only time I recommend buying anything from them is if it's on sale for 50% or more.

As a whole, the game really is great. I just prefer having a complete puzzle set from the getgo, rather than buying each piece à la carte.
2019년 3월 6일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 5.9시간 (평가 당시 5.1시간)
This game aesthetically is a very interesting experience. The other reviewers say the same thing. 80's vibe, trippy, bloody, beautiful.

I want to talk about mechanics though.
Namely the ai, and the difference between difficulty and the illusion of challenge. This game's difficulty is... annoying. Not challenging... annoying. It revolves around whether or not the enemy can see you or not. As soon as one dude sees you, either you're able to kill him or he instantly headshots you. The only enemies in this game that are balanced is the enemies that use shotguns, since there's no promise that they will hit you with one shot. The assault rifles in the enemy hands are ruthless, and ridiculous.
They can see further than you, fire faster than you, and can cheat better than you. And it's annoying. It's anti-fun.
One might use the catch-all phrase "git gud", but that's a cop-out. If you've ever played CS:GO against an enemy using aimbots, there is no "git gud." He's able to snipe you with 1 bullet from far away while all you can do is cower in fear.
It's not fun. Especially when you have more than four of these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in the same room, and two or three of the tanks that the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ grunts can fire through, but you can't.

I recommend the game only because when the ai doesn't suddenly insta-kills you, it's a very fun game. Otherwise, if you're not a fan of ai cheating, I'd pass.
2018년 1월 21일에 게시되었습니다.
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1명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 407.3시간 (평가 당시 17.9시간)
EDIT: 1.

So far I've only played about 2.7 hours of it, and it's not bad. I recommend looking up the "meta" online for beginners since uh, there are a lot of characters with different weapons and abilities.
It doesn't feel pay to win per se since the original set of characters seem to be the best, but it's still ridiculous how you have to pay 25k reknown to play season 2 characters.
Do NOT buy starter. Be warned. I bought the original version on sale and I'm having a ball. Can't say the same to starter players :/

The gameplay is a solid mix between Battlefield Hardline and Payday 2. It requires some tactics when attacking and some strategy when defending.
It's a very pretty game (that runs on my slowly dying computer somehow).
The people are either fun to play with or toxic like any community.
Plus, if you're not great like I am, you can help in other ways like barricading, or scouting, or proving armor as Rook.
Also the sound. Nothing is more unnerving than hearing footsteps from the 2nd floor above, then BAM, someone detonates a breach charge right behind you.

Overall, as I write this review, it's an 8/10. Definitely feels a bit imbalanced since some characters are clearly better in early levels than others.

I have now about 250 hours in the game.
I still enjoy it a lot. it's probably my favorite fps game. At least, favorite multiplayer fps. Ubisoft is more concerned with adding new characters with different quirks than actually fixing bad hitbox registration and weird game breaking glitches. It's the same issue many other FPS games have, so it's really just more of the same.
After getting to know the layout of the maps more it feels like the possibilities are more narrowed down in terms of insertion points. Which can make the game feel a bit repetitive, especially with certain maps that haven't been updated since launch. Once you know where the enemy can attack from, it isn't too hard to defend. With attacking, it sometimes feels like a game of rock paper scissors. It's all about angles and anticipating the enemy. Some maps are easy to anticipate your foes in, and others are pretty hard. Border is more open to roaming due to its fairly circular layout, while Kafe as it is now is very linear, so there are a ton of chokepoints.
The other factor is headshots. You can have a really powerful gun, but if the enemy gets a headshot, your gun's useless. I like this over games like overwatch, since if I hit the smallest target on your body, I deserve a reward. The consequence of this though, is someone can blind fire into a wall and instantly kill you on accident. I've been on both sides of that, and it really is crap. But, that's how it works, and I would rather have that than the alternative.
2018년 1월 3일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 6월 8일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 673.0시간 (평가 당시 85.0시간)
What if...
Those two words define this game. It's a game of choices. Decisions. Time.
Also lag towards the late game.
The premise is simple. Choose a country, and play that faction through WWII and see what happens. Wage wars in the Americas, and make peace in Europe. Spread the flames of communism, both literally and figuratively.
You're given the tools, and with said tools you can forge a new future.
If only the AI was better, and the game didn't get really laggy towards the latter half.
2017년 11월 26일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 8.1시간 (평가 당시 3.4시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
One thing to note: I used to play Day Z religiously back when it was a mod for Arma II.

Now that I said that, let me begin by saying that this is a truly fun experience. I suck at arena survival games like Day Z and Rust. However this kind of emphasized how not good I am at that sort of gameplay. I'm more of a survivor. I like hiding out, and waiting for my time to strike. This game's mechanic of slowly shrinking the play area down highlights two issues I have, but also two things I love about it.

1. Unless you get a vehicle early, you're screwed. I don't like vehicles because they're loud, and I tend to play these types of games stealthily (which doesn't really work in this game very well).
2. Defense is king. If the zone is shrunk down to 100 meters or so, and you just so happened to be there at the right time, the game goes from being an arena survival game to a defense vs offense horde mode game hah. Which isn't bad, it just makes the game seem unbalanced. Especially for new players like me.

1. I love how easy it is to survive at the start. You basically choose your spawn, and you get to scope out the enemy. It makes it easier to avoid contact and let the mongoloids duke it out. I was able to survive as the tope 18 and 15 players in both of my playthroughs. That's pretty awesome.
2. Plenty of chances to get weapons and vehicles. The airdrops provide you the opportunity to either get better equipment or just camp while shooting as people going for the drop.

So far I really do enjoy it. It's not overtly buggy and broken like Day Z (also zombies running through walls), and it's not as skill based like Rust. If you play solo, it's every person for themselves, so there's no groups of bandits making it harder for bambies to play. There's no real camping unless you make it to the center of the circle first, and even then there's opportunity to flank and shank.
8/10 can't wait for the full release.
2017년 7월 7일에 게시되었습니다.
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41-50/63개 항목을 표시 중