16 people found this review helpful
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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 19.5 hrs on record
Posted: 11 Mar, 2023 @ 11:56pm
Updated: 16 Mar, 2023 @ 1:06am

Play castle crashers. If you feel bored of playing castle crashers, still play castle crashers, otherwise find a different roguelike. This was and is a mobile game for a reason, if you want a superior roguelike mobile game play soul knight instead.

This game feels like a college student's final that they decided to copy off of castle crashers, but rather than a fun party feel its just awful and makes you feel bad playing it, while pretending like thats okay since its a 'challenging roguelike' so if it feels horrible to play its a skill issue, right? Weapon balance is horrible, 80% of all weapons suck and you use the select 10 same weapons throughout a run. Weapon typing makes spears and greatswords useless regardless of ability because they don't have iframes or dodges PERIOD. Challenge mode is a no effort randomizer of modifiers that either do nothing at all or make the game completely unplayable. Nightmare mode doesn't even effect the gameplay loop despite stat increases to enemies as a solo, except for the handful of enemies that got buffed. 25% of the 'nightmare' buffs don't effect an enemies lethality at all, and the other 75% are complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that attempt to solely make you feel bad. Enemies that charge endlessly and are hard to kill normally? Give them infinite stamina and infinite stopping power to permenantly be charging. Regardless nightmare mode increases the difficulty of everything you wouldn't want to increase to make a game harder. The game will torture you with either uncontrollable events or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hit regestration, there are a ton of attacks that don't even regester iframes so you can get 100-0'd in about a dozen different situations throughout your run. A good third of all the bosses in this game are strictly DPS/food checks rather than challenging fights if solo, and have horrible mechanics. There are bosses that are both near impossible to beat solo or near impossible to even call a 'fight' in coop. COOP health scaling is ridiculous, and don't get me started on just how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ their 'revival' system is. I've done segmented hitless runs in CC, but even playing this game normally aggrivates me.
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Developer response:
memnoch87  [developer] Posted: 12 Mar, 2023 @ 1:08am
We also recommend you play Castle Crashers.
hendryjooste 16 Jun, 2023 @ 12:10pm 
I wish I saw this review before I bought the game.
Ruggit 23 May, 2023 @ 7:47pm 
based indeed
Daniel 23 May, 2023 @ 6:42am 
Based devs.