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3 people found this review helpful
3.7 hrs on record
Many small frustrating systems made this game not feel "retro", but actually old and dated.

There is no minimap, or large M key map, which would help with some confusing and repetitive map layouts.

The map is littered with THOUSANDS of small +2 health packs, which requires you to run circles all over the map, but it never feels rewarding since its just small constant ticks.

Very low draw distance makes navigating some maps, namely interior spaces that all have the same brush strokes difficult.

Enemy AI is frustrating, they will stand at long range and just get pelted until they die, but also can see you through walls and will regularly prefire on you leading to many unfair hits.

The "Warp In" system means enemies will spawn into preselected places on the map upon a trigger (like many early 2000s games) which may mean a guy with a plasma gun (rocket launcher) may spawn directly behind you, inside of a room you had just cleared.

Enemy types were not particularly interesting, and most were simply bullet sponges that made you feel less powerful than you should. Weapon selection was extremely basic.

The game has a bizarre strength vs toughness system in which weapons and enemies have a pre-selected power level, shooting an enemy with a higher power level does less damage (up to half) and shooting an enemy with a lower power level does more damage (up to double). This means that weapons don't really have a role, so much as a intended target - a shotgun, ideally powerful at point blank range, is still only the best option if it ends up dealing double damage against said target. This means I'm often in a situation where weapon X is the obvious choice tactically, but because of these arbitrarily assigned numbers that I cannot change or otherwise influence, it is instead either unusable, or total overkill. The game seriously could have used a crafting system, RPG like upgrade system, or even a simple Borderlands style armor type system to make gun selection meaningful and provide progression - this is instead just a terrible solution to something that was never a problem. Frankly scraping the entire power system and replacing it with nothing, just weapons doing base damage to all targets would be a better solution.

Music was mediocre, and unmemorable. Sound design of enemies was bad, sound design of weapons was pretty excellent.

Graphics were ok, some things like the gore and viscera were great, but other things are muddied under 1000 shades of brown and grey making it all blend into a dark muddy pile of nothing, many enemies were very difficult to pick out from the background even when in plain sight until they fired.

The combat system was overly simple, no progression, upgrades or diversity. The melee system is totally bare bones. I imagine this game with a DOOM Eternal style "execution and weak spot" style of gameplay and it would have improved immensely.

The servitor, who acts as your guide speaks in a stylized gibberish, but his text messages are both deliberately cryptic, and also small in the corner of the screen, difficult to read and analyze in the heat of combat.

For reasons unknown, I had small, but noticible FPS dips on a system that obviously shouldn't struggle with this game.

Twice, a "purge" (being locked in a room, with waves of spawning enemies until you killed them all) failed to activate, and I instead found mt self running laps in the same empty room for 3-5 minutes before the event randomly triggered and allowed me to progress.

Coming right out of playing the excellent Boomer Shooter "Turbo Overkill" this game felt lacking and mediocre in so many ways. I grinded through Turbo Overkill in 3 days, just always wanting to play more. In Boltgun I could only manage about 1/2 the game before I called it quits, I just wasn't interested enough to suffer through the stale gameplay.
Posted 25 October, 2023. Last edited 25 October, 2023.
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25 people found this review helpful
15.7 hrs on record
It's DOOM Eternal - but better.

Really, they take the term "inspiration" to its absolute limit, but I can't call it a rip off if it improved upon the original.
Posted 29 September, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
I have several thousand hours in Overwatch 1, and less than 200 in Overwatch 2.

They made the game objectively worse by changing to the 5v5 format, hero and team comp balancing has been the worst its ever been.

Very Minimal meaningful additions have been made to the hero roster or map pool.

Nothing worthwhile has been added in terms of a new gameplay experience, we are still running the same holliday events from nearly a decade ago.

For 3 years OW2 had almost nothing new added, all with the promise that a substantial Borderlands-Esq PvE mode was coming soon™ - in the end, this turned out to be a bold faced lie where the PvE amounted to nothing more than several minutes long missions with no replayability or depth.

Worse still - this shoddy PvE experience is paywalled, along with everything else in Overwatch 2's much more aggressive and simply unethical microtransaction model.

Worst of all however is that Blizzard outright REMOVED Overwatch 1 - making it entirely unplayable to its fans and owners, shoehorning its players into this greedy sloppy mess of a sequel.

Posted 12 August, 2023.
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7.1 hrs on record

This was a fun game to play as a throw back. It holds up surprisingly well and apart from its simplicity and graphics it is evident this was a well designed game, in some ways better than the new AAA COD type titles.

I did encounter several crashes (do not alt tab!), several small bugs (losing audio during certain segments), and several completely game breaking bugs where I needed to use cheats like infinite life or no clip to be able to finish the levels, for example in the first submarine section my submarine would explode before ever hitting the water, forcing me to swim the entire submarine combat section to get to the next objective (and requiring me to turn on God mode to survive all the torpedoes being fired at me from the enemy subs) - thankfully these are easily available from a quick google search.

The difficulty of this game is surprisingly fun (if not at some times simply unfair with enemies spawning in directly behind you), as even on the easy difficulty enemy rail guns will kill you in one hit - so abusing quick save like in the old days is more or less necessary.

I enjoyed playing this game to reflect on the good ole days, and it was fun to see how game design has evolved over the years.

If you can grab this for a buck or two, its a good single play through.
Posted 22 June, 2023. Last edited 22 June, 2023.
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5.2 hrs on record
The RPG element seems interesting, and the graphics, sound and voice acting are all top notch - but the awful combat drags it down into an un-enjoyable video game experience.
Posted 29 December, 2022.
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34.0 hrs on record
Excellent combat, very on brand storytelling for the Mad Max franchise.

A solid single player game and worth a (value) buy for a single play through,
Posted 23 December, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
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10.1 hrs on record
Fun concept, but simple combat design does not allow much replayability - worse still - the NPCs regularly speak the same voice lines over and over and over and over - so what may have been a fun quip the first time you heard it becomes infuriating after the 500th (this is not an exaggeration).
Posted 28 May, 2022.
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20.4 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
Catgirl Diablo™ - is a visually beautiful ARPG, with all the typical Korean trappings of silly character customizations, exaggerated slutty females, hideous little muppet people, terrible voice acting, and systems upon systems upon systems upon systems to artificially inflate the complexity of the game, without adding any real depth and allow for more opportunities for microtransactions.

Score: 4/20.
Posted 12 February, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
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18.0 hrs on record
Doom Eternal is a mixed bag, in some ways it improved greatly on Doom '16, and in others regressed.

The good:

+The combat is fast and furious, it is gripping and engaging - it is by far the best part of the game, and does combat better than any other. Your ability to seamlessly weapon swap, jump, dash, melee, and use abilities makes even an average player feel like a badass.

+ Graphics are top notch, looks great, runs silky smooth.

+ The soundtrack is as epic as ever, with several tracks that you will be happy to listen to even when not playing the game.

The bad:

- Ammo, or lack thereof. Ammo capacity for all weapons has been seriously neutered, and doesn't feel "right" until near the end of the game when you have maxxed out all ammo perks. Additionally enemies no longer drop ammo on glory kills. You run out of ammo quickly, and it is difficult to replenish - this ultimately detracts from the A+ combat and has you running around looking for ammo more often than fighting.

- Difficulty is low, admittedly I played through on medium difficulty, but I never at any time felt like I was in danger. Replacing the ammo from glory kills, you now gain health and armor at a frankly silly rate. New abilities like dash, monkey bars, and ice bombs make it easy to avoid damage, and the health and armor regen mechanics make it easy to recover if you do get hit. On several occasions I found myself virtually completely out of ammo, but also able to freely recover health on demand - meaning I couldn't kill my enemy, but they couldn't kill me either - which was boring and unfun.

-Ability bloat. Adding the new abilities was fun, but I felt that they were too powerful, and too readily available - this detracted from the gunplay and traditional FPS mechanics and make it more like a hero shooter relying on your abilities more than guns. This isn't necessarily bad, but it feels very un-Doom.

-Platforming. Holy moly. I guess a trend of Doom Eternal is to be a throw back to 90's and early 00's gaming or something. This game has an obnoxious amount of platforming, and puzzle solving. Some levels you are easily spending 75% of the time exploring, platforming, and puzzle solving, and only the minority of time actually fighting. Complete with spinning fire chains, platforms that fall when you step on them, platforms that raise an fall into lava, big smashing blocks, and wall mounted guns that mindlessly shoot big fireballs it feels more like you are playing a 1st person version of Mario than a gritty intense shooter.

- Boring weapons. The weapons are virtually copy pasted from Doom 2016, which as it was were already a little common. Functional, but nothing you haven't used dozens of times at this point.

-LACK OF MULTIPLAYER. Where the hell is my TDM, CTF, and KotH? No, instead we have an (admittedly interesting) 2v1 game mode where you play as demons vs slayer. 2 game updates in and still no common multiplayer modes is no bueno.

Conclusion: I got the game for 50% off and I'm still not sure it was worth it. The gameplay is awesome and exciting, but it seems the game does everything it can to detract from gunplay and cause you to do meaningless platform jumps, puzzles, and fetch quests instead. Lack of a a real multiplayer experience gives me little reason to return to the game after it's short campaign and uninspired story.
Posted 28 June, 2020.
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A developer has responded on 7 Apr, 2022 @ 10:33am (view response)
1 person found this review helpful
27.1 hrs on record
+ Good story.
+ Good music / sound, graphics and voice acting.
+ Balance of Action / Horror.
+ Decent difficulty, enemies remain fairly deadly throughout the game.
+ Multiple solutions to most problem.

- Lack of enemy diversity
- Bare bones weapon variety with extremely boring upgrades (+ Damage, + Mag size).
- Less impactful long term "choices" than I would like.
- Some bugs, got stuck in terrain several times, got stuck on NPCs, crashed twice, didn't like Steam in game menu (Shift+Tab), has some stuttering / fps issues after save / loading.

All in all the game felt very much like a Bio Shock or System Shock game, only with worse combat - which is still very good.

I got the game on sale for around $5 and enjoyed it very much, easy recommendation at that price point, and probably so for $10-15 as well.
Posted 31 July, 2019.
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