Ioan Miller   Victoria, Australia
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

My System specs:
GPU: AMD 420 1080ti
CPU: a Kiwi bird
Ram: 1 KB PutinPortable
Mainboard: Apex Skateboard
Powersupply: Nintendo 3DS charging cable
Harddrive: Ryan Gosling
Operating System: Bandicam

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LLAMA 2 Feb, 2019 @ 1:38am 
"we are number one spanish" is the greatest film ever created. The narative is easy to follow but still bends the perseption of time and breaks the social norms of society in half. Each character has their own backstory and way of life which is easily illistrated in the film. The settings depicted in the film give me a feeling of next generation technology. Its just amazing how they made this movie with such a tight budget of only 67 billion US dollas. The narrative norms have been broken by this film and our world will truely never see anything like this for many generations to come. This film makes shakespere and steven speilberg look like a bag of old nuts. I cannot praise this movie enough. Jahati General has made many classics in the past but this film has taken the cake and shat all over it . 100/100 Best film ever created . "
LLAMA 26 Sep, 2018 @ 5:52am 
The annoiting of god is not for sale
LLAMA 5 Apr, 2018 @ 2:01am 
"Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China"

- My local postman
LLAMA 30 Mar, 2018 @ 10:25pm 
"a revolution depends on Maoist Thought, just like a computer depends on electricity to send power to it's circuits"

- Jesus Christ
thom 6 Mar, 2018 @ 12:03am 
haha lol xd lmao rofl
LLAMA 4 Mar, 2018 @ 2:25am 
"Pee is stored in the balls" - Gandhi