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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 14.6 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 17 Jul, 2020 @ 7:19pm

Early Access Review
The game is not perfect, by any means.. but for a game on its first day of early access, it's done better than expected. There was a slight delay in things getting up and running (only two hours, wayyyyy better than a lot of other games I've seen), and there are some bugs, yes - it's EA after all - but all in all, it's been a fun game to play and very reminiscent of Paragon.

(It's not MEANT to be a direct clone, but a new game made in the spirit of the old game, for those who seem to think it's supposed to be a clone.)

Some of the graphics and effects could use a little bit of polish, but that will come in time.

All in all, very enjoyable! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this, as long as you know it's still in early access and will be improving over time. If you can handle that, then jump in and enjoy! If not, maybe wait until later, once some of the polish has been applied.
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