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1,280.6 hrs on record (1,029.0 hrs at review time)
Reach round 300. Can't find Cursor. Can't find Bloons.
Posted 7 June, 2024. Last edited 12 June, 2024.
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853.1 hrs on record (769.5 hrs at review time)
Old Problems. New World.
Posted 17 October, 2023.
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29.1 hrs on record (18.8 hrs at review time)
I liked the game so much I'm probably writing my only REAL Steam review. Or honestly, any review on any platform ever. 9.9/10 would recommend. Giving this a 10 would imply a perfect game, which I don't think is achievable, but it asymptotically approaches it. This review is going to have a lot of spoilers so I am going to redact it. View at your own risk.

The "Unspoilable" Part of the Game
Of the game that we can see advertised, I put 10 hours into it and I really believe I can put another 10 hours into it again. Maybe another 20 hours and that's about it. There are many deck combos that I still want to try but have not yet tried. And honestly I think you could just play this game alone without ever getting into the spoiler territory. How I value the game versus how much time spent or fun had will be different from person to person of course but I think it's totally worth it.

I do know the game will be expanded with the development of Kaycee's MOD, which I have not tried. I know that there is criticism with this part of the game being very shallow, but I can not agree with most points. Nevertheless, the update/extra content, I can only imagine, would expand the game and make it better. I personally think the game is still playable without it.

The Spoiler Section
After enough game play, the player is encouraged to to find clues and solve puzzles in order to unlock new facets of the game. If the intention of the game's design was to push people to solve these puzzles, I would understand why there are gripes about people who think that what is advertised is all there is to the game. I think improving this section of the game (through Kaycee's MOD) would be a commitment to the bit.

I was fortunate to not spoil myself when I thought I have beaten the game. So this is a final warning if you don't want further spoilers. When I discovered that there was a second act to this game, I had a genuine feeling of surprise that I RARELY have. I was not expecting a brand new game! I thought that I had just beaten the game and I get another game as a reward!?

When the backstory plays out at the beginning of Act Two was the seed that was planted in my feeble, non-computer mind. I was not expecting to really get into the sauce that is the lore of the game. Not many games are able to get you invested into the lore or story that it's set in. And playing this game, I was not expecting to. I just wanted to play a new card game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I unexpectedly became invested into the game characters, and eventually the rest of the lore as well as the details of every "villains'" "plots". I myself am not even a fan of psychological horror games but I found myself hooked.

Now for an actual review of this part, the succeeding acts are not as fun to play as in the first act. But given the context of the lore, it is definitely passable. But just as the entitled consumers we all are, we are trained to have the expectation that every following act should be a better "game play" experience than the previous and climax right before the game ends. In my opinion, the latter acts do not do that.

The following are things I find related to why I think the later acts are not as fun as the first:

Act II - There is only one gripe I have in this particular section. The advantage that the first act had as a rouge-like deck builder is that if a player has a bad deck, the player just loses and starts again with a goal of building a better deck. The second act plays like a card-collecting RPG. The disadvantage here is that if the player has a bad collection of cards to build a deck off of, then the player must expand their card collection. The experience of expanding the card collection can become a grind if the player is unlucky pulling unwanted cards from card packs. The bigger problem this act had, in my opinion, is that the option to "truly" grind for card packs is not an option until you beat a boss for the first time (getting to the dummy in the tower). It is possible to get a card collection so bad that beating a boss initially could be an unpleasant experience. This is probably just an annoyance or an extreme edge case.

Act III - Unfortunately, I believe this act has the worst "bad deck" problems of all acts. If a player builds a bad deck in the beginning, there is no way for the player to do a reset and start over. The player is stuck with the cards the pick up from various encounters until they can find a way to remove or alter them. In my first play through, I had definitely had a bad deck and was forced to play the same battles repeatedly until I got lucky enough the beat the string of encounters. It was a mood killer for me.

Act IV - There is no 4th act as game play but some consider the Rabbit Hole of secrets as a game in itself. If you are the type of person to connect the clues with red string and red thumb tacks then Act IV exists and it exists for you.

The Rabbit Hole
After actually beating the game "for real" for real this time, it was living in my head with a cost of rent of 20$ USD. It was like I watched a really good movie for the first time. In an effort to achievement hunt after beating the game, I realized that the lore goes deeper than what I just played. I soon discover that there are communities dedicated to uncovering the secrets that @DMullinsGames put into this. And boy does this Rabbit hole go deep. For anyone wondering, the most palatable explanation of this rabbit hole, especially for someone who hasn't played the game, would probably be Matt Pat's 3 episode series on Youtube.

For Us Who Know
It only shows 18 hours of game play on my account. I've put a couple more hours on a friend's account previously to owning it on my account. I've maybe spent the same amount of time getting into the lore dive. So all in all, Inscryption has occupied my brain for maybe 40-50 hours. That annoying Stout was on to something. Next time, just be a little less annoying and I wouldn't think Transcendence would've been so bad. Just work on your ego Po3... That's all. I guess my opinion doesn't matter if it looks like you were able to transcend[www.youtube.com] anyways. And for the version of Magnificus I played, I wish I shook your hand...
Posted 15 February, 2022. Last edited 15 February, 2022.
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72.7 hrs on record (31.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I put 31 hours in the first two days of owning this game.
Posted 22 September, 2021.
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14.4 hrs on record (13.8 hrs at review time)
This game was more entertaining than I payed for. Actually surprised.
Posted 25 November, 2017.
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16.8 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
You get exactly what you expect for a 99 cent game and I bought it on sale because 19 cents to burn. It's a standard tower defence game with nothing to special (expect for the occasional broken power up). I beat all the dificulties and got all the achievements in two days. Time well spent? I could have made my life better by not playing games at all haha.
Posted 4 January, 2017. Last edited 4 January, 2017.
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0.0 hrs on record
Two big things:
1) Ships fight your Infantry
2) Forward with Docks
Posted 23 December, 2016.
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328.0 hrs on record (288.6 hrs at review time)
I remember atempting to play this game at 6 years old while my older cousins were frusrtated with me doing absolutely terrible.

I remember playing this game at 9 years old in my elementary school library.

I remember playing this game at 10 years old when I discovered that there are cheat codes and spamming Robin Hood.

I remember playing this game at 12 creating my own scenarios.

I remember playing this game at 16 when I found out I had other friends who played this as a child and we had essentially acomplished the LAN party.

I remember playing this yesterday when I got whooped by a Viking computer on hardest on an Island map.

(I think this was the first game I ever played)
Posted 17 March, 2015. Last edited 25 November, 2017.
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16.8 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
This game was so good it made me sad. I cry. I litteraly just finished this game 2 hours after New Years started. I started the News Years crying. Is this what is going to come too? A year with sadness? Why is this game so deep in story? Why did you have to hit me in the feels? Why?!

Please come out with the sequel...
Posted 1 January, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
244.2 hrs on record (167.1 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Make sure you buy smokes and flashes, but don't flash your teammates.
Posted 1 December, 2014.
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