3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 316.5 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 19 Jun, 2024 @ 7:21am
Updated: 24 Jul, 2024 @ 3:33am

Early Access Review
This game rocks!

So I bought the game on the 16th via Pax Dei online store. At around 7pm, I have the email containing my Steam key. At approximately 7:45 pm, I was able to install the game. 8:06pm I was online. I am 12.6 hours in and the game has been EA for 26hours. Man its good. I will update more as I go. If you love amazing graphics, a fairly slowpaced game, large environments to explore and fantastic house building. Then this is for you. Once geared I'm off to do some PVE.

EDIT - Yes, I'm still playing, and yes I'm still loving it. I've now got myself a small 2 plot homestead, with a Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Store and much more. I also run a small Guild called "Free Masons". Why not stop by and ill let you try our home brew ;)

Edit v.2 - I'm over 200 hours in game, I've moved plots, purely it was to far to travel for high tier items. I now have a 4 plot (yep, sorry I could'nt help it, I upgraded) village up in the mountains close to the border. I've now lvled my Carpentry skill to over 20 and Blacksmithing not too far behind, these in my mind are the most important to building, however most are linked in some shape of form. Even though the servers say they are full, the server numbers of active players has dropped, so I think the full stats are based on plots maybe, not sure. Anyways this game is still my number one go to game, as it ticks so much of the sort of games I play....Cant wait for horses and carts though tbh. Until my next post stay safe.
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